Cover image for Balanced Scorecard Evolution : A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution.
Balanced Scorecard Evolution : A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution.
Balanced Scorecard Evolution : A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution.
Niven, Paul R.
Personal Author:
1st ed.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (371 pages)
Wiley Corporate F&A
Balanced Scorecard Evolution -- Contents -- Preface -- LOOKING BACK AND LOOKING AHEAD -- HOW IS THIS BOOK DIFFERENT? -- WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS BOOK? -- HOW THE BOOK IS ORGANIZED -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 What Exactly Is a Balanced Scorecard? -- ORIGINS, AND A BRIEF HISTORY, OF THE BALANCED SCORECARD -- BALANCED SCORECARD PERSPECTIVES -- Customer Perspective -- Internal Process Perspective -- Learning and Growth Perspective -- Financial Perspective -- WHAT IS A BALANCED SCORECARD? -- Objectives and Strategy Maps -- Performance Measures and Targets -- Strategic Initiatives -- TELLING THE STORY OF YOUR STRATEGY THROUGH CAUSE AND EFFECT -- Cause and Effect Linkages in Practice -- Always Strive to Tell Your Strategic Story -- KEY BALANCED SCORECARD QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS -- What Is the Difference between a Balanced Scorecard and a Dashboard? -- Does Balance Mean an Equal Number of Objectives and Measures in Each Perspective of the Balanced Scorecard? -- What Version or Generation of the Balanced Scorecard Does This Book Cover? -- Does the Balanced Scorecard Change? -- How Important Is Terminology in a Balanced Scorecard Implementation? -- NOTES -- Chapter 2 Just Like the Boy Scouts: Be Prepared -- FIRST THINGS FIRST: WHY ARE YOU DEVELOPING A BALANCED SCORECARD? -- ANSWERING THE QUESTION: WHY THE BALANCED SCORECARD AND WHY NOW? -- POSSIBLE REASONS FOR LAUNCHING A BALANCED SCORECARD -- SEND YOURSELF A POSTCARD FROM THE FUTURE -- START WITH A PROVOCATIVE ACTION -- OVERCOMING SKEPTICISM -- BENEFITS OF A GUIDING RATIONALE -- WHERE DO WE BUILD THE BALANCED SCORECARD? -- CRITERIA FOR CHOOSING AN APPROPRIATE ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT -- EXECUTIVE SPONSORSHIP: A CRITICAL ELEMENT OF ANY BALANCED SCORECARD PROGRAM -- Securing Executive Sponsorship -- SPONSORSHIP ADVICE FOR EXECUTIVES -- YOUR BALANCED SCORECARD TEAM -- Choosing the Team.

How Many People Should Be on Your Balanced Scorecard Team? -- What Skill Sets Should Team Members Possess? -- Team Member Roles and Responsibilities -- Balanced Scorecard Team Members -- Training Your Team -- MANAGING THE BALANCED SCORECARD ON AN ONGOING BASIS: THE OFFICE OF STRATEGY MANAGEMENT -- FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE OF STRATEGY MANAGEMENT -- Initial Considerations in Establishing a Strategic Management Office -- YOUR BALANCED SCORECARD DEVELOPMENT PLAN -- The Planning Phase -- The Development Phase -- BE FAST, BUT BE THOUGHTFUL IN YOUR APPROACH -- DEVELOPING A COMMUNICATION PLAN TO SUPPORT YOUR BALANCED SCORECARD INITIATIVE -- Communication: A Vital Link to Success -- Why Communication Is Critical to Your Balanced Scorecard -- A Guiding Rationale for Your Communication Plan -- Key Elements of a Communication Plan -- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Your Communication Efforts -- Final Thoughts on Communication Planning -- FINAL ASSESSMENTS TO MAKE BEFORE YOU BEGIN BUILDING A BALANCED SCORECARD -- If You Already Have a Strategy Map or Balanced Scorecard of Measures, Are You Willing to Change It? -- Critically Examine the Existence of Common Change Blockers -- How Fast Are Things Changing in Your Environment? -- Do You Have a Strategy? -- NOTES -- Chapter 3 Balanced Scorecard Building Blocks: Mission, Vision, and Strategy -- MISSION -- What Is a Mission Statement, and Why Is It So Important? -- Effective Mission Statements -- Developing Your Mission Statement -- The 5 Whys -- From 5 Whys to 6 Questions -- Gast's Laws -- A Simpler Approach -- Who Writes the Mission Statement? -- If You Already Have a Mission -- Why Mission Is Critical to the Balanced Scorecard -- VISION -- The Role of Vision through History -- What Is a Vision Statement? -- Effective Vision Statements -- Developing Your Vision Statement -- VISION STATEMENTS AND THE BALANCED SCORECARD.

A Rose by Any Other Name -- STRATEGY -- Problems with Strategy and Strategic Planning -- Co‐Creating a Strategy and Balanced Scorecard -- STRATEGIC THEMES -- Regardless of the Method-Hard Work Is Required -- APPENDIX 3A: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ROADMAP STRATEGY PROCESS -- Roadmap Strategy -- Four Fundamental Questions You Must Answer When Creating a Strategy -- The Four Lenses -- A Strategy to Create True Alignment from Top to Bottom -- NOTES -- Chapter 4 Conduct Effective and Engaging Workshops -- BEFORE THE WORKSHOP -- Plan -- Determine Where to Hold the Workshop -- Decide on the Day -- Determine Who Will Attend the Workshop -- Assign Pre‐Work -- DURING THE WORKSHOP -- Getting Started: The Power of Story -- Tell Them Again and Again . . . -- Answering the Why Question -- Prime Participants for Success -- Facilitating the Session -- Encouraging Full Attention and Dealing with Distractions -- Be Present and Listen More -- FAR Moments -- Avoiding Rabbit Holes -- THE ROLE OF EXECUTIVES IN WORKSHOPS -- First Things First -- You're the CEO for a Reason -- NOTES -- Chapter 5 Building Powerful Strategy Maps That Tell Your Strategic Story -- WHAT IS A STRATEGY MAP? -- Breaking It Down -- Telling the Story through Cause and Effect -- WHY YOU NEED A STRATEGY MAP -- THE SPECTRUM OF STRATEGIC PLANS -- DEVELOPING STRATEGY MAP OBJECTIVES -- Creating Effective Objectives -- DEVELOPING OBJECTIVES FOR EACH OF THE FOUR PERSPECTIVES -- Developing Objectives for the Financial Perspective -- Developing Objectives for the Customer Perspective -- WHICH VALUE PROPOSITION IS BEST? -- Managing Dual Value Propositions -- Developing Objectives for the Internal Process Perspective -- Developing Objectives for the Learning and Growth Perspective -- Human Capital: Aligning People with Strategy -- Recruit the Right People -- Close Skill Gaps -- Train for Success.

Information Capital: Aligning Information and Technology with Strategy -- Organizational Capital-Creating the Climate for Growth and Change -- USING STRATEGIC THEMES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STRATEGY MAP -- DEVELOPING A SHARED UNDERSTANDING WITH OBJECTIVE STATEMENTS -- Objective Statements Defined -- Creating Objective Statements: Who and When -- Finalizing the Objective Statements -- HOW MANY OBJECTIVES ON A STRATEGY MAP? -- Reviewing the Objectives on your Strategy Map -- So What Is the Right Number of Objectives? -- NOTES -- Chapter 6 Create a Balanced Scorecard of Robust Measures, Meaningful Targets, and Strategic Initiatives -- WHAT ARE PERFORMANCE MEASURES? -- CREATING BETTER PERFORMANCE MEASURES -- Avoid Biases in Measure Development -- Adopt a Solutions Mind-set -- Embrace Measurement Challenges -- ATTRIBUTES OF EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE MEASURES -- Linked to Your Strategy -- Quantitative (Most of the Time) -- Accessible -- Update Frequently -- Counterbalance -- Relevant -- Measures, Not Strategic Initiatives -- Mix of Lag and Lead Indicators -- Last But Not Least . . . Keep Them Simple -- MEASURES FOR EACH OF THE FOUR PERSPECTIVES -- Fortifying the Financial Perspective -- RECORDING YOUR MEASURES: CREATING A PERFORMANCE MEASURE DATA DICTIONARY -- Measure Background -- Measure Characteristics -- Calculation and Data Specifications -- Performance Information -- How Many Measures on a Balanced Scorecard? -- TARGETS: THE GOALS THAT BRING MEASURES TO LIFE -- What Are Performance Targets? Why Are They Important to the Balanced Scorecard? -- Types of Performance Targets -- DO YOU NEED ALL THREE TYPES OF TARGETS? -- Setting Performance Targets -- STRATEGIC INITIATIVES: PROJECTS THAT DRIVE BREAKTHROUGH PERFORMANCE -- Ensuring Strategic Initiatives Support Your Strategy -- Creating New Strategic Initiatives -- Prioritizing among Strategic Initiatives.

The Rewards Are Worth the Effort! -- NOTES -- Chapter 7 Hold Strategy Execution Meetings So Good, People Actually Want to Attend -- FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE -- Not So Breaking News: Meetings Are Flawed! -- First Things First: This Is a Strategy Execution Review Meeting -- BEFORE THE MEETING -- Schedule the Meetings in Advance -- Choose Your Facilitator -- Determine Who Will Attend -- Share Materials in Advance -- IN THE MEETING -- Reviewing Scorecard Results-Options Abound -- Focus on Questions as Much as Answers -- Set a Tone of Continuous Learning -- Listen More -- Gaze Out, Not In -- Fight Apathy! -- AFTER THE MEETING -- What to Expect from Your Strategy Execution Review Meetings -- Concluding Thoughts on Strategy Execution Review Meetings -- REPORTING RESULTS WITH BALANCED SCORECARD SOFTWARE -- CRITERIA FOR SELECTING SOFTWARE -- Design Issues: Configuration of the Software -- Reporting and Analysis -- Technical Considerations -- Maintenance and Security -- Evaluating the Vendor -- Developing Your Own Balanced Scorecard Reporting System -- NOTES -- Chapter 8 Let Everyone Demonstrate Their Contribution by Cascading the Balanced Scorecard -- WHAT IS CASCADING? -- THE SEARCH FOR MEANING -- THE CASCADING PROCESS -- Develop Implementation Principles -- ENSURE UNDERSTANDING OF YOUR HIGHEST‐LEVEL STRATEGY MAP AND SCORECARD BEFORE CASCADING -- Influence Is the Key to Cascading -- Support Group Balanced Scorecards -- Personal Balanced Scorecards -- Checking the Alignment of Cascaded Balanced Scorecards -- Making Cascading Work -- Really Making It Work -- A Final Thought on Cascading -- NOTES -- Chapter 9 Integrating Change Management Techniques to Drive Balanced Scorecard Success -- PREPARING FOR SCORECARD SUCCESS -- Send Yourself a Postcard from the Future -- Start with a Provocative Action -- Shrink the Change to Overcome Skepticism.

Executives Must Put on a SCARF.
The best plan is useless without effective execution The future of business has become so unpredictable that your five-year plan may be irrelevant next week. To succeed in the modern market, you must constantly assess your progress and adapt on the fly. Agility, flexibility, continual learning, and adaptation are the new rules of business success. A differentiating strategy is crucial, but it will only lead to competitive advantage if you execute it flawlessly. You'll succeed only if you have the right insight for strategic planning and the agility to execute your plan. Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution provides the latest theory and practice from strategic planning, change management, and strategy execution to ensure your business is flexible, future ready, and primed for exceptional execution. Author Paul R. Niven guides you through the new principles of The Balanced Scorecard and shows you how to apply them to your planning and strategy execution endeavors. Read case studies that illustrate the theory and practice of strategic agility and execution Learn how to create the objectives, measures, targets, and strategic initiatives that can make your plan a reality Use the latest change management techniques to boost strategy execution success Gain the knowledge and tools you need to face your challenges head-on Motivate your employees to change behaviors toward plan accommodation Making a plan isn't enough. You must actually take steps to implement your plan, and this requires excellent leadership skills. Change can be hard, and your organization may be resistant. Balanced Scorecard Evolution: A Dynamic Approach to Strategy Execution provides everything you need to make things happen.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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