Cover image for jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner’s Guide.
jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner’s Guide.
jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner’s Guide.
Culpepper, Adam.
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1 online resource (389 pages)
jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner's Guide -- Table of Contents -- jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner's Guide -- Credits -- About the Authors -- About the Reviewers -- -- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more -- Why Subscribe? -- Free Access for Packt account holders -- Preface -- What this book covers -- What you need for this book -- Who this book is for -- Conventions -- Time for action - heading -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - heading -- Have a go hero - heading -- Reader feedback -- Customer support -- Downloading the example code -- Errata -- Piracy -- Questions -- 1. Getting Started -- Animation on the Web -- The power of animated UIs -- When to use animations -- When not to use animations -- Animation checklist -- Animating with jQuery -- Creating the project folder -- The template file -- A basic animation example -- Time for action - creating an animated loader -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending the loading animation -- Pop quiz - basic animation with jQuery -- Summary -- 2. Image Animation -- Image animation -- Fading animations -- Configuring the animations with arguments -- Time for action - setting up the markup and styling -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - using fadeIn() -- Scripting the image slider -- Time for action - scripting the image rotator -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - length() and milliseconds -- Time for action - extending the pause-on-hover functionality -- What just happened? -- Time for action - extending the previous and next link features -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - preventDefault() and setInterval() -- Time for action - extending the pagination functionality -- What just happened? -- Have a Go Hero - extending the image rotator further -- Pop quiz - altering variables and zero index -- Summary -- 3. Background Animation.

Background-color animation -- Introducing the animate method -- Time for action - animating the body background-color -- What just happened? -- Chaining together jQuery methods -- Have a go hero - extending our script with a loop -- Pop quiz - chaining with the animate() method -- The illusion of depth with parallax -- Time for action - creating the stage and adding the styling -- What just happened? -- Time for action - animating the background position -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending parallax -- Automatic background animation -- Time for action - creating an automatic background animation -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - playing under the hood -- Let's make it diagonal! -- Time for action - animating the background diagonally -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero -- Parallax background on page elements -- Time for action - setting up the markup and styling -- What just happened? -- Time for action - scripting our parallax script -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - customizing the speed and direction of the effect -- Pop quiz - the scroll() and scrollTop() methods -- Summary -- 4. Navigation Animation -- Creating simple navigation animations -- Configuring addClass() and removeClass() -- Time for action - setting up our navigation -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending our hover style -- Using the stop() method -- Time for action - adding the stop() method -- What just happened? -- Animating the window with scrollTop() -- Time for action - scripting our smooth scrolling animation -- What just happened? -- Smooth scrolling and page background color -- Time for action - creating the super animation -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending the script further -- Pop quiz - the ^ symbol and the stop() method -- Summary -- 5. Form and Input Animation -- Using simple form animations.

Time for action - creating the form -- What just happened? -- Time for action - adding our animation styles to the form -- What just happened? -- Form validation animations -- Time for action - basic dialog form validation -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending our form validation -- Time for action - animating form validation errors -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - putting it all together -- Pop quiz - form animation and jQuery UI -- Summary -- 6. Extended Animations with jQuery UI -- Obtaining and setting up jQuery UI -- Creating a new template file -- The new effects added by jQuery UI -- Using the effect API -- The bounce effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - using the bounce effect -- What just happened? -- The highlight effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - highlighting elements -- What just happened? -- The pulsate effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - making an element pulsate -- What just happened? -- The shake effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - shaking an element -- What just happened? -- The size effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - resizing elements -- What just happened? -- The transfer effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - transferring the outline of one element to another -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - using the effect API -- Using effects with the show and hide logic -- The blind effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - using the blind effect -- What just happened? -- The clip effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - clipping an element in and out -- What just happened? -- The drop effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - using the effect -- What just happened? -- The explode effect.

Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - exploding an element -- What just happened? -- The fold effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - folding an element away -- What just happened? -- The puff effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - making an element disappear in a puff -- What just happened? -- The slide effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - sliding elements in and out of view -- What just happened? -- The scale effect -- Syntax -- Configuration options -- Time for action - scaling an element -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - using show/hide logic -- Have a go hero - experimenting with the effect API -- Easing functions -- Time for action - adding easing to effects -- What just happened? -- Using an object literal to add easing -- Have a go hero - using easing -- Pop quiz - using easing -- Animating between different colors -- Time for action - animating between colors -- What just happened? -- Class transitions -- Time for action - transitioning between classes -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - easing, color, and class animations -- Summary -- 7. Custom Animations -- The animate method -- Per-property easing -- An alternative syntax for animate() -- Animating an element's position -- Time for action - creating an animated content viewer -- What just happened? -- Time for action - initializing variables and prepping the widget -- What just happened? -- Time for action - defining a post-animation callback -- What just happened? -- Time for action - adding event handlers for the UI elements -- What just happened? -- Skinning the widget -- Time for action - adding a new skin -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - creating an animated content-viewer -- Have a go hero - making the image viewer more scalable -- Animating an element's size.

Time for action - creating the underlying page and basic styling -- What just happened? -- Time for action - defining the full and small sizes of the images -- What just happened? -- Time for action - creating the overlay images -- What just happened? -- Time for action - creating the overlay wrappers -- What just happened? -- Time for action - maintaining the overlay positions -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - creating expanding images -- Have a go hero - doing away with the hardcoded dims object -- Creating a jQuery animation plugin -- Time for action - creating a test page and adding some styling -- What just happened? -- Creating the plugin -- Time for action - adding a license and defining configurable options -- What just happened? -- Time for action - adding our plugin method to the jQuery namespace -- What just happened? -- Time for action - creating the UI -- What just happened? -- Time for action - creating the transition overlay -- What just happened? -- Time for action - defining the transitions -- What just happened? -- Using the plugin -- Pop quiz - creating a plugin -- Have a go hero - extending the plugin -- Summary -- 8. Other Popular Animations -- Understanding Proximity animations -- Time for action - creating and styling the page -- What just happened? -- Time for action - preparing the page for sliding functionality -- What just happened? -- Time for action - animating the scroller -- What just happened? -- Time for action - adding the mouse events -- What just happened? -- Time for action - adding keyboard events -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending proximity animations -- Pop quiz - implementing proximity animations -- Animating page headers -- Time for action - creating an animated header -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - extending the animated header -- Animating text using the marquee effect.

Time for action - creating and styling the underlying page.
This book is a guide to help you create attractive web page animations using jQuery. Written in a friendly and engaging approach this book is designed to be placed alongside your computer as a mentor.If you are a web designer or a frontend developer or if you want to learn how to animate the user interface of your web applications with jQuery, this book is for you. Experience with jQuery or Javascript would be helpful but solid knowledge base of HTML and CSS is assumed.
Local Note:
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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