Cover image for Scholar's Path : An Anthology of Classical Chinese Poems and Prose of Chen Qing ShAn - a Pioneer Writer of Malayan-Singapore Literature.
Scholar's Path : An Anthology of Classical Chinese Poems and Prose of Chen Qing ShAn - a Pioneer Writer of Malayan-Singapore Literature.
Scholar's Path : An Anthology of Classical Chinese Poems and Prose of Chen Qing ShAn - a Pioneer Writer of Malayan-Singapore Literature.
Chen, Peter Min-Liang.
Personal Author:
Physical Description:
1 online resource (635 pages)
Contents -- xiii ⊙ Preface I President S R Nathan Republic of Singapore -- xv ⊙ Preface II Dr Ng Eng Hen Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence Republic of Singapore -- xvii ⊙ Preface III Professor Wang Gungwu Chairman of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore -- xxi ⊙ Foreword Peter Chen . Michael Tan -- A Gestation of Six Years -- Source and Background of the Poems -- Book Title and Cover -- English Translation -- xxvii ⊙ Biography of Chen Qing Shan -- xxxiii ⊙ Brief biographies of Editor Translators . Reviewer -- Section 1 Familial Love 和 犊 -- 3 ⊙ 1 The Messenger of Love 二 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 9 ⊙ 2 Mid-Autumn Moon 中秋月 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Events leading to the Second Separation -- Appreciation -- 15 ⊙ 3 Mid-Autumn Song 中秋咏月有寄 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 19 ⊙ 4 Letter from Home 瑶缄二 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 25 ⊙ 5 Listening to the Sermon 听经 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Mother's Christian Background -- Clash and Fusion -- Appreciation -- A Literal Translation -- 33 ⊙ 6 Chanting the Scripture Random Thoughts 经堂 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Literal Meaning -- 41 ⊙ 7 Returning Home 家 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 1. The Scene at Home (Lines 1 to 8) -- 2. His Children (Lines 9 to 24) -- 3. His Wife and Neighbours (Lines 25 to 32) -- 4. Familial Joy and Departure (Lines 33 to 36) -- 49 ⊙ 8 A Solemn Vow 信 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 55 ⊙ 9 A Mooncake Poem for My Wife 中秋咏月 寄内 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Part One -- Part Two -- Part Three -- Part Four -- Part Five -- 69 ⊙ 10 Admonition to My Daughter Xuan 示璇女 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 75 ⊙ 11 Wedding Poem An Admonition to Mei Yu 嫁女 示美瑜 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary.

Wedding Trousseau -- Recipe for a successful marriage -- Appreciation -- Action -- Counsel -- Bird in a Gilded Cage -- 85 ⊙ 12 Three Birthday Verses for My Wife 寿内三章 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Tailoring School -- Two Personal Tragedies -- The New Matchmaker -- Appreciation -- Verse 1 -- Verse 2 -- Verse 3 -- 99 ⊙ 13 Response from Friends To My Birthday Poemfor My Wife 友 和寿内作 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Verse 1 -- Verse 2 -- 105 ⊙ 14 Buying Books 买书 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 109 ⊙ 15 Buying Books to Celebrate My Birthday, Ji-Hai Year 己亥初度买书 寿 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Section 2 Care and Concern 棠棣桃李 -- 121 ⊙ 16 My Brother Guang He's 40th Birthday Invitation to Dinner, A Poem in Greeting 光河弟四十初度招 为 祝之 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 129 ⊙ 17 Response to Guang Han's 60th Birthday Poem 光汉 示六十 寿 依 和之 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Appropriateness of Response -- 137 ⊙ 18 Another Two Verses for Elder Brother-in-law Guang Han's 60th Birthday 再 内兄光汉二 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 145 ⊙ 19 New Farewell Poem to Wang Guang He 新别离 王光河 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Uncle Guang He -- Appreciation -- 157 ⊙ 20 Colophon for Wang Guang He's 50th Birthday Snapshot 王光河五十初度小影 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 161 ⊙ 21 Colophon on a Photograph of Two Sisters and their Brother, viz., Jin Song, Yi Song and Guang He 义宋 宋光河三姐弟合照 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Bai Juyi's Poem -- Mother's Siblings -- Appreciation -- 169 ⊙ 22 Wedding Counsel for the Senior Normal Graduation Class of the Perak Girls' Middle School 广嫁女 女中 师毕业班同学 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Long-time Career as Teacher -- Appreciation -- 177 ⊙ 23 The Journey Ahead 有 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Well Respected.

Schools Ranking -- The Subject of Guo Wen 国文 -- Source of this Poem -- Appreciation -- 185 ⊙ 24 In Celebration of the Golden Wedding Jubilee of Elder Brother Ke Mo and Sister-in-law 可模兄嫂 婚志庆 -- Parahrase -- Background -- Summary -- Reverend Guok Koh Muo -- Mother was Adopted by a Family of the Guo Clan -- Love and Warm Relationship with Her Guo Relatives -- Appreciation -- 195 ⊙ 25 To Younger Brother-in-law in Wuhu, a Poem in Rhyme with Guang Guo 寄君余内弟 湖和光国 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- The Story of Wang Guang Po -- Separation -- Hard Life -- Misspent Youth -- Appreciation -- A Word from Elder Brother Qing Shan -- Literal Translation of Poem -- Section 3 Friendship 仁会友 -- 211 ⊙ 26 Farewell to Rui Hua on Her Return to China 瑞华姐回国 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Public Lover No.1 -- On Opposite Sides of the War -- The Japanese Cap -- Appreciation -- 219 ⊙ 27 Farewell to Pastor Cai Xin De, a Poem in Unison with Yi Song 与义宋 吟 别 信德牧师 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Reverend Cai Xin De -- Family Church and Pastor -- "Praise the Lord!" -- Appreciation -- 227 ⊙ 28 To Elder Sister Shan Guang 善光姐 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Lin Shan Guang -- A Chance "Discovery" -- Reunion After 20 Years -- Appreciation -- 235 ⊙ 29 Farewell to Inspector of Schools Wang Fu Wen on His Promotion and Transfer to Kuala Lumpur 王宓文 学升 吉 坡 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Section 1 (Lines 1-8) -- Section 2 (Lines 9-34) -- Section 3 (Lines 35-42) -- 249 ⊙ 30 Congratulations to Guang Di on His New Home 光地新厦 成(晴山、光国 吟) -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- The "New" House -- Wang Guang Di, the Man -- Appreciation -- 259 ⊙ 31 On Yuan Tang's "Wool Wedding Anniversary" 堂羊毛婚纪念照 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Two Young Poetry Friends -- A Broken Candle -- Yuan Tang's Wedding -- Qing Shan's Lunch -- Appreciation.

273 ⊙ 32 Congratulations to President Bai Cheng Gen on being Honoured with the Appointment of Justice of Peace by His Highness the Sultan of Perak 白成根会 洲 丹 封太平局绅志喜 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Justice of Peace -- Appreciation -- 277 ⊙ 33 Thinking of Mei Ying on Malaya's Independence Day 来亚独立 怀美 万 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 281 ⊙ 34 Solicitation of a Poem from Mr Bai Yang Feng of Taiping 向太平白仰峯先生索和 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Bai Yang Feng -- Appreciation -- 289 ⊙ 35 Despatched to Grand Master Xin Zai in Taipei for His Direction to Reveal the Missing Word in Poem 寄台北心在大师 示其 文一字 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Full Account (an extract from Chapter 63) -- Appreciation -- 295 ⊙ 36 A Poem in Rhyme with the Poem of Mr Ji Fen 季 先生出示书怀一律 依原 以 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Mr Yang Ji Fen -- The Subject Guo Wen ( 国文) -- Nickname -- Appreciation -- 303 ⊙ 37 Colophon for a Snapshot on Behalf of Jing Bin 代 滨 小影 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Lu Jing Bin -- The Search for Lu Jing Bin -- Appreciation -- 311 ⊙ 38 Colophon for the Portrait of Ms Jing Bin 滨女士玉照 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Jing Bin's Second Marriage -- Appreciation -- 319 ⊙ 39 Poem as Epilogue for Ms Zhang Ren Shi's Peony Album 张纫 女士牡丹 画册后 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 325 ⊙ 40 For Zheng Zhu-A Seal Engraved 珠为刻印 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Zheng Zhu Takes a Wife -- Zheng Zhu Takes a Daughter -- Appreciation -- 331 ⊙ 41 To My Compatriot Yuan Tang 堂侪 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Dating of this Poem -- Appreciation -- 339 ⊙ 42 To Mr Bai Cheng Gen on his 60th Birthday -Two Verses in Response 奉和白成根先生六十感怀二 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 347 ⊙ 43 To Mr Bai Cheng Gen, Presentation of the Complete Works of Lu You as a Birthday Gift 既和成根先生六十感怀二 复奉放翁全 为寿 卅六 纪之.

Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 361 ⊙ 44 Presenting Three Verses to Professor Wang Shi Zhao 呈王世昭教授三绝并序 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Special Section on Wang Shi Zhao -- Biography of Wang Shi Zhao 王世昭(1905-1984) -- Family Background -- Political Activist -- Teacher and Recruiter -- From Activist to Refugee -- Scholar, Writer, Author -- Exhibition Tour of Southeast Asia -- A Lonely Conclusion -- Chen Qing Shan-Wang Shi Zhao Friendship -- 375 ⊙ 45 Visiting Professor Wang Shi Zhao's Lodging for Counsel on Poetry 王世昭教授旅寓 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Father Pays his Respects -- Appreciation -- 381 ⊙ 46 For Professor Wang Shi Zao on His Departure to Penang 王世昭教授 槟 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 387 ⊙ 47 In Celebration of the "Tin Wedding" Anniversary of Mr Liang and Madam Peng 梁森元先生与彭士 校 婚纪念 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Appreciation -- 397 ⊙ 48 Another Six Verses to wish Mr Liang and Madam Peng Bon Voyage 再 森元先生与士 校 婚之庆 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Madam Peng Shi Lin -- Father and Peng Shi Lin -- Appreciation -- 413 ⊙ 49 Presented to Mr Hong Lu Kuan for his 70th Birthday, a Double Celebration with His Wife 呈洪禄宽先生七秩双寿 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- Section 4 Reflections 感兴 怀 -- 423 ⊙ 50 The Fair Maiden Chen Yun Shan of Taichen 纪 珊女士事 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Appreciation -- 437 ⊙ 51 Portrait of General Wu 吴将军画像 一 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 449 ⊙ 52 No Title 佚 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Summary -- Title of the Poem -- Father's First Wife -- Appreciation -- 461 ⊙ 53 A Song to Li Xiang Lan 咏李 兰 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 465 ⊙ 54 Postscript for Jiehui Anthology of Poems Sent to Xi Lang 劫灰 后 浪 -- Paraphrase -- Background -- Appreciation -- 471 ⊙ 55 Reflections 感怀 -- Paraphrase -- Background.

This original English translation from the Chinese text comprises 60 poems (85 verses) and three prose compositions. It opens a window to the heart and mind of a Chinese scholar who lived from the late Qing through the 1950s. It reflects the life of a pioneer writer of Malayan-Singapore Chinese Literature: his personal tragedies, struggles, disappointments and the joy in his family, friends and his poetry. English explanations for many interesting expressions and allusions used in Chinese classical poetry. This title enables an English language reader to enjoy the rich and colourful heritage of Chinese culture and language. A companion edition of the book in Chinese is available - the original classical text translated into modern Chinese and profusely annotated by Associate Professor Dr. Chan Chiu Ming of National Institute of Education, Singapore.
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