Cover image for Ruby and MongoDB Web Development Beginner's Guide.
Ruby and MongoDB Web Development Beginner's Guide.
Ruby and MongoDB Web Development Beginner's Guide.
Rege, Gautam.
Personal Author:
1st ed.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (428 pages)
Ruby and MongoDB Web Development Beginner's Guide -- Table of Contents -- Ruby and MongoDB Web Development Beginner's Guide -- Credits -- About the Author -- Acknowledgement -- About the Reviewers -- -- Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more -- Why Subscribe? -- Free Access for Packt account holders -- Preface -- Understanding NoSQL -- Brewer's CAP theorem -- What are BASE databases? -- Using ACID or BASE? -- Using Ruby -- What this book covers -- What you need for this book -- Who this book is for -- Conventions -- Time for action - heading -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - heading -- Have a go hero - heading -- Reader feedback -- Customer support -- Downloading the example code -- Errata -- Piracy -- Questions -- 1. Installing MongoDB and Ruby -- Installing Ruby -- Using RVM on Linux or Mac OS -- The RVM games -- The Windows saga -- Using rbenv for installing Ruby -- Installing MongoDB -- Configuring the MongoDB server -- Starting MongoDB -- Stopping MongoDB -- The MongoDB CLI -- Understanding JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) -- Connecting to MongoDB using Mongo -- Saving information -- Retrieving information -- Deleting information -- Exporting information using mongoexport -- Importing data using mongoimport -- Managing backup and restore using mongodump and mongorestore -- Saving large files using mongofiles -- bsondump -- Installing Rails/Sinatra -- Summary -- 2. Diving Deep into MongoDB -- Creating documents -- Time for action - creating our first document -- What just happened? -- NoSQL scores over SQL databases -- Using MongoDB embedded documents -- Time for action - embedding reviews and votes -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - adding more embedded objects to the book -- Fetching embedded objects -- Using MongoDB document relationships -- Time for action - creating document relations.

What just happened? -- Comparing MongoDB versus SQL syntax -- Using Map/Reduce instead of join -- Understanding functional programming -- Building the map function -- Time for action - writing the map function for calculating vote statistics -- What just happened? -- Building the reduce function -- Time for action - writing the reduce function to process emitted information -- What just happened? -- Understanding the Ruby perspective -- Setting up Rails and MongoDB -- Time for action - creating the project -- What just happened? -- Understanding the Rails basics -- Using Bundler -- Why do we need the Bundler -- Setting up Sodibee -- Time for action - start your engines -- What just happened? -- Setting up Mongoid -- Time for action - configuring Mongoid -- What just happened? -- Building the models -- Time for action - planning the object schema -- Building the book model -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - building the remaining models -- Testing from the Rails console -- Time for action - putting it all together -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - adding more books, authors, and categories -- Understanding many-to-many relationships in MongoDB -- Using embedded documents -- Time for action - adding reviews to books -- What just happened? -- Choosing whether to embed or not to embed -- Time for action - embedding Lease and Purchase models -- Working with Map/Reduce -- Time for action - writing the map function to calculate ratings -- What just happened? -- Time for action - writing the reduce function to process the emitted results -- What just happened? -- Using Map/Reduce together -- Time for action - working with Map/Reduce using Ruby -- What just happened? -- Pop quiz - swimming in MongoDB and Ruby -- Summary -- 3. MongoDB Internals -- Understanding Binary JSON -- Fetching and traversing data -- Manipulating data.

What is ObjectId? -- Documents and collections -- Capped collections -- Dates in MongoDB -- JavaScript and MongoDB -- Time for action - writing our own custom functions in MongoDB -- Ensuring write consistency or "read your writes" -- How does MongoDB use its memory-mapped storage engine? -- Advantages of write-ahead journaling -- Global write lock -- Transactional support in MongoDB -- Understanding embedded documents and atomic updates -- Implementing optimistic locking in MongoDB -- Time for action - implementing optimistic locking -- What just happened? -- Choosing between ACID transactions and MongoDB transactions -- Why are there no joins in MongoDB? -- Pop quiz - the dos and don'ts of MongoDB -- Summary -- 4. Working Out Your Way with Queries -- Searching by fields in a document -- Time for action - searching by a string value -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - search for books from an author -- Querying for specific fields -- Time for action - fetching only for specific fields -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - including and excluding fields -- Using skip and limit -- Time for action - skipping documents and limiting our search results -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - paginating document results -- Writing conditional queries -- Using the or operator -- Time for action - finding books by name or publisher -- What just happened? -- Writing threshold queries with gt, lt, ne, lte, and gte -- Time for action - finding the highly ranked books -- Have a go hero - find books via rank -- Checking presence using exists -- Searching inside arrays -- Time for action - searching inside reviews -- What just happened? -- Searching inside arrays using in and nin -- Searching for exact matches using all -- Searching inside hashes -- Searching inside embedded documents -- Searching with regular expressions.

Time for action - using regular expression searches -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - validate an e-mail address -- Pop quiz - searching the right way -- Summary -- 5. Ruby DataMappers: Ruby and MongoDB Go Hand in Hand -- Why do we need Ruby DataMappers -- The mongo-ruby-driver -- Time for action - using mongo gem -- What just happened? -- The Ruby DataMappers for MongoDB -- MongoMapper -- Mongoid -- Setting up DataMappers -- Configuring MongoMapper -- Time for action - configuring MongoMapper -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - creating models using MongoMapper -- Configuring Mongoid -- Time for action - setting up Mongoid -- What just happened? -- Creating, updating, and destroying documents -- Defining fields using MongoMapper -- Defining fields using Mongoid -- Creating objects -- Time for action - creating and updating objects -- What just happened? -- Using finder methods -- Using find method -- Using the first and last methods -- Using the all method -- Using MongoDB criteria -- Executing conditional queries using where -- Time for action - fetching using the where criterion -- What just happened? -- Revisiting limit, skip, and offset -- Understanding model relationships -- The one to many relation -- Time for action - relating models -- Using MongoMapper -- Using Mongoid -- What just happened? -- The many-to-many relation -- Time for action - categorizing books -- MongoMapper -- Mongoid -- Accessing many-to-many with MongoMapper -- Accessing many-to-many relations using Mongoid -- What just happened? -- The one-to-one relation -- Using MongoMapper -- Using Mongoid -- Time for action - adding book details -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero - create the other models -- Understanding polymorphic relations -- Implementing polymorphic relations the wrong way -- Implementing polymorphic relations the correct way.

Single Collection Inheritance -- Time for action - managing the driver entities -- What just happened? -- Basic polymorphic relations -- Time for action - creating vehicles using basic polymorphism -- What just happened? -- Choosing SCI or basic polymorphism -- Using embedded objects -- Time for action - creating embedded objects -- Using MongoMapper -- Using Mongoid -- What just happened? -- Using MongoMapper -- Using Mongoid -- Reverse embedded relations in Mongoid -- Time for action - using embeds_one without specifying embedded_in -- What just happened? -- Time for action - using embeds_many without specifying embedded_in -- What just happened? -- Understanding embedded polymorphism -- Single Collection Inheritance -- Time for action - adding licenses to drivers -- What just happened? -- Basic embedded polymorphism -- Time for action - insuring drivers -- What just happened? -- Have a go hero -- Choosing whether to embed or to associate documents -- Mongoid or MongoMapper - the verdict -- Pop quiz - Mongoid, MongoMapper, and more -- Summary -- 6. Modeling Ruby with Mongoid -- Developing a web application with Mongoid -- Setting up Rails -- Time for action - setting up a Rails project -- What just happened? -- Setting up Sinatra -- Time for action - using Sinatra professionally -- What just happened? -- Understanding Rack -- Defining attributes in models -- Accessing attributes -- Indexing attributes -- Unique indexes -- Background indexing -- Geospatial indexing -- Sparse indexing -- Dynamic fields -- Time for action - adding dynamic fields -- What just happened? -- Localization -- Time for action - localizing fields -- What just happened? -- Using arrays and hashes in models -- Embedded objects -- Defining relations in models -- Common options for all relations -- :class_name option -- :inverse_of option -- :name option.

Relation-specific options.
Create dynamic web applications by combining the power of Ruby and MongoDB with this book and ebook.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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