Cover image for New Perspectives on Investment in Infrastructures.
New Perspectives on Investment in Infrastructures.
New Perspectives on Investment in Infrastructures.
Policy, Scientific Council for Government.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (376 pages)
WRR Verkenningen, 19 ; v.No. 19

WRR Verkenningen, 19
contents -- about the authors -- preface -- 1 stuck on the tracks? empirical study for investments in the dutch railway infrastructure -- 1.1 introduction -- 1.1.1 research focus and methodology -- 1.1.2 structure of this paper -- 1.2 the public interest in railways -- 1.2.1 the quality of rail service -- 1.2.2 the safety of rail service -- 1.3 governance of the dutch railways -- 1.3.1 regulation and regime changes in the dutch railway sector -- 1.4 assessing the current functioning of the dutch railway infrastructure sector -- 1.4.1 investments in railway infrastructure -- 1.4.2 performance of the railway sector -- 1.4.3 innovation in the railway sector -- 1.5 current issues and suggestions for improvements -- 1.6 conclusions and recommendations -- annex 1 -- annex 2 -- 2 regulering en investeringen in infrastructuur -- 2.1 inleiding -- 2.1.1 focus van de studie -- 2.1.2 aanleiding voor de studie -- 2.1.3 organisatie -- 2.2 reguleringstheorie -- 2.2.1 privatisering -- 2.2.2 liberalisering -- 2.2.3 tariefregulering -- 2.2.4 opportunistisch gedrag van toezichthouders (regulatory opportunism) -- 2.2.5 conclusie -- 2.3 financieringstheorie -- 2.3.1 startpunt: het 'irrelevantie theorema' -- 2.3.2 afruiltheorie -- 2.3.3 principaal-agenttheorie -- 2.3.4 pikordetheorie -- 2.3.5 marketing timing-theorie -- 2.3.6 productmarktconcurrentie en vermogensstructuur -- 2.3.7 conclusie -- 2.4 investeringen in gereguleerde infrastructuur -- 2.4.1 specifieke eigenschappen van investeringen in infrastructuur -- 2.4.2 privatisering en investeringen -- 2.4.3 liberalisering, verticale ontvlechting en investeringen -- 2.4.4 tariefregulering en investeringsprikkels -- 2.4.5 regulering en timing van investeringen -- 2.4.6 interactie gereguleerde onderneming, vermogensstructuur en toezichthouder -- 2.4.7 conclusie -- 2.5 twee infrastructuren in nederland nader bekeken.

2.5.1 inleiding -- 2.5.2 achtergrond: ervaringen in het verenigd koninkrijk -- 2.5.3 hoogspanningsnetten van tennet -- 2.5.4 vaste net kpn -- 2.6 investeringen in infrastructuur en het borgen van publieke belangen -- 2.6.1 marktfalen -- 2.6.2 mogelijke reacties op marktfalen -- 3 planning van weginfrastructuur: enkele aanknopingspunten voor verbetering -- 3.1 inleiding en probleemstelling -- 3.1.1 inleiding -- 3.1.2 probleemstelling -- 3.1.3 werkwijze -- 3.2 de publieke belangen van weginfrastructuur -- 3.2.1 het publieke belang -- 3.2.2 het publieke belang op lokaal niveau -- 3.3 aanknopingspunten voor verbetering van het planningsproces bij aanleg en onderhoud van weginfrastructuur -- 3.3.1 inleiding -- 3.3.2 lange termijn planning -- 3.3.3 het omgaan met informatie -- 3.3.4 fragmentatie in de besluitvorming -- 3.3.5 het gebruik van maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse (mkba) -- 3.3.6 indirecte effecten -- 3.3.7 interdepartementale commissie voor de ruimtelijke economie (icre) -- 3.3.8 interdepartementaal beleidsonderzoek (ibo) -- 3.3.9 de sociale kant van infrastructuur -- 3.4 tot slot -- 4 european regulators in the network sectors: revolution or evollution? -- 4.1 introduction -- 4.1.1 structure of the article -- 4.2 characterisation of different networks -- 4.2.1 eu independent agencies -- 4.2.2 independent european networks of national regulators -- 4.3 the legal effects of the networks' activities -- 4.3.1 advisory activities -- 4.3.2 european policy rules -- 4.4 the commission as first among equals of the networks -- 4.5 accountability gaps -- 4.5.1 political accountability -- 4.5.2 transparency -- 4.5.3 legal accountability -- 4.5.4 the role of the national courts -- 4.6 the future -- 4.6.1 towards 'european networks plus' -- 4.6.2 does meroni pose an obstacle to 'european agencies as network plus'?.

4.6.3 solution or new accountability problems? -- 4.7 conclusion -- 5 investments in infrastructures: strategic behaviour -- 5.1 introduction and problem definition -- 5.1.1 introduction -- 5.1.2 problem definition -- 5.1.3 structure of the essay -- 5.2 strategic behaviour -- 5.2.1 introduction -- 5.2.2 characteristics of strategic behaviour -- 5.2.3 establishing strategic behaviour -- 5.2.4 strategic behaviour positioned -- 5.3 strategic behaviour: sources and manifestations -- 5.3.1 introduction -- 5.3.2 from classic paradigm to new paradigm -- 5.3.3 source 1: fewness -- 5.3.4 source 2: information asymmetry -- 5.3.5 source 3: position -- 5.4 summary and conclusions regarding strategic behaviour -- 5.4.1 summary of strategic behaviour investments in infrastructures -- 5.4.2 changes in strategic behaviour by institutional changes -- 5.5 potential solutions -- 5.5.1 regulation -- 5.5.2 financial arrangements -- 5.5.3 societally optimal investments in infrastructures -- 6 the impact of technical characteristics of network industries upon the governance of infrastructure adequacy -- 6.1 introduction -- 6.1.1 the importance of infrastructure adequacy -- 6.1.2 the impact of the recent regime change -- 6.1.3 the relevance of technical constraints and characteristics -- 6.2 technical characteristics play a role at two levels -- 6.2.1 effect upon the overall governance mode -- 6.2.2 relevance for the organisation of infrastructure adequacy -- 6.3 designing the legal organisation of infrastructure adequacy -- 6.3.1 design approach -- 6.3.2 the fulda method -- 6.4 example: transport adequacy in the electricity industry -- 6.4.1 regime change has necessitated a new organisation of transport adequacy -- 6.4.2 step i: analysis of the function of transport adequacy -- 6.4.3 step ii: the context of transport adequacy.

6.4.4 step iii: decisions how to organise the function of transport adequacy -- 6.5 the impact of technical constraints and characteristics -- 6.5.1 the effects on unbundling and the economic regime -- 6.5.2 impact on the governance of infrastructure adequacy -- 6.5.3 co-ordination -- 6.6 conclusion -- 7 europe and investment in infrastructure with emphasis on electronic communications -- introduction -- 7.1 the influence of ec law state intervention concerning investments in infrastructure -- 7.1.1 the role of primary law -- 7.1.2 positive harmonisation and secondary law -- 7.2 the case of electronic communications -- 7.2.1 what makes electronic communications especially relevant -- 7.2.2 what makes electronic communications different -- 7.3 major issues currently raised in electronic communications -- 7.3.1 structural solutions - functional separation -- 7.3.2 behavioural solutions, including regulatory holiday -- 7.3.3 the need for co-ordination across the eu -- 7.4 conclusions -- 8 private equity funds and public utilities: where incentive structures collide1 -- 8.1 introduction -- 8.2 distinctive characteristics of public utilities3 -- 8.3 the funds' attraction to public utilities4 -- 8.4 conflict between long-term and short-term investor value -- 8.5 broader economic and social implications -- 8.6 public utility case study: telecommunications -- 8.6.1 telecom reform and eu information society objectives -- 8.6.2 financial stability in the telecom sector in europe -- 8.6.3 eircom in ireland6 -- 8.6.4 tdc in denmark8 -- 8.6.5 bulgarian telecommunications company -- 8.6.6 conclusions from the case studies -- 8.7 public utility governance -- 9 publieke belangen, overheidsbeleid en investeringen in infrastructuur -- 9.1 inleiding -- 9.2 achtergrond, introductie en verspreiding: nutssectoren -- 9.2.1 infrastructuur-gebonden sectoren.

9.2.2 heroverweging van presterende overheidstaken en hun uitvoering -- 9.2.3 de introductie van 'publiek belang' -- 9.2.4 het borgen van publiek belang -- 9.2.5 borging van publieke belangen, het kabinetsstandpunt inzake het borgen van publiek belang -- 9.2.6 liberalisering en privatisering van netwerksectoren -- publieke belangen en marktordening -- 9.2.7 privatisering nader bezien -- deelnemingenbeleid rijksoverheid -- 9.3 transportdiensten -- 9.4 infrastructuur -- 9.5 de vaststelling van het publieke belang -- 9.6 korte nabeschouwing -- 10 infrastructure investments on the edge of public and private domains -- 10.1 introduction -- 10.1.1 arguments against hybridism -- 10.1.2 realities in favour of hybridism -- 10.1.3 from public to private - the rise of privatisation -- 10.1.4 combining the best of both worlds -- 10.2 partnership in the netherlands: in between action and rhetoric -- 10.2.1 why public and private partnerships fail -- the views of jane jacobs -- 10.2.2 in search of successful partnerships -- falsifying Jacobs's thesis -- 10.3 the west coast main line: in search of an upgrade -- 10.3.1 a short overview of the case -- 10.4 lessons on hybrid strategies in the field of infrastructure investments -- 10.4.1 creating network organisations: the theories of goldsmith and eggers -- 10.5 conclusions and recommendations -- 11 concessiestelsel en overheidsaandeelhouderschap -- 11.1 inleiding -- 11.1.1 te hoge tarieven -- 11.1.2 achtergrond -- 11.1.3 aanpak en probleemstelling -- 11.1.4 leeswijzer -- 11.2 consessies -- 11.2.1 inleiding -- 11.2.2 concessies in Nederland -- 11.2.3 concessies in frankrijk -- 11.2.4 beïnvloedingsmogelijkheden concessie -- 11.3 overheidsaandeelhouderschap -- 11.3.1 inleiding -- 11.3.2 beschrijving aandeelhoudersbevoegdheden -- 11.3.3 beïnvloedingsmogelijkheden van de overheidsaandeelhouder.

11.3.4 beïnvloedingsmogelijkheden op de overheidsaandeelhouder.
The essays in this bundle analyse the effects on long-term investment in different infrastructures and from different perspectives and disciplines.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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