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History of Anthropology.
History of Anthropology.
Eriksen, Thomas Hylland.
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1 online resource (216 pages)
Anthropology, Culture and Society
CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- 1 BEGINNINGS -- 2 VICTORIANS, GERMANS AND A FRENCHMAN -- 3 FOUR FOUNDING FATHERS -- 4 EXPANSION AND INSTITUTIONALISATION -- 5 FORMS OF CHANGE -- 6 THE POWER OF SYMBOLS -- 7 QUESTIONING AUTHORITY -- 8 THE END OF MODERNISM? -- 9 RECONSTRUCTIONS -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- INDEX -- Abu-Lughod, Lila, -- 141 -- 146 -- acculturation 88 -- Actor Network Theory -- 164 -- 172 -- 174 -- actor, metaphor of [role theory] 93-4 -- adaptation -- 81 -- 168 -- Adorno, Theodor 113 -- Africa -- 5 -- 86 -- regional focus on, 45 -- regional focus on, 69-70 -- regional focus on, 71 -- regional focus on, 109 -- urbanisation in southern, 85 -- urbanisation in southern, 86 -- African societies, types of 71-2 -- agency -- and structure, 44 -- and structure, 129 -- concept of, 129-30 -- agriculture, primitive 19 -- Alexander the Great 3 -- alienation, Marxist theory of 112 -- alliance-descent debate -- 84-5 -- 106 -- 107-8 -- Althusser, Louis -- 115 -- 129 -- 142 -- American Anthropological Association [AAA] -- 52 -- 77 -- 145 -- 158 -- and Chagnon-Turner controversy, 175-6 -- American anthropology -- 17 -- 25 -- 52 -- 149-50 -- anthropologists in, 58-9 -- anthropologists in, 67 -- Boas's domination of, 38-41 -- Americas, discovery and conquest of 5-6 -- Amin, Samir 120 -- anarchism 36 -- Andaman Islands 44 -- Anderson, Benedict, Imagined Communities 155 -- anthropologists -- political radicalism of, 55-6 -- political radicalism of, 77 -- political radicalism of, 88 -- political radicalism of, 137 -- anthropology -- as academic discipline, 15 -- as academic discipline, 23 -- as academic discipline, 37 -- as academic discipline, 50-1 -- as academic discipline, 55 -- as academic discipline, 109 -- in 135-9 -- in [ 54-6 -- anthropology at home -- 49 -- 161 -- Appadurai, Arjun 169 -- Aquinas, Thomas 7 -- Arab conquests 4.

Archetti, Eduardo 122 -- Ardener, Edwin -- 123-5 -- 136 -- on modernism and postmodernism, 3 -- on modernism and postmodernism, 145 -- Ardener, Shirley 124 -- Argentina, academic anthropology in -- 109 -- 121 -- Aristotle 3 -- Arutyunyan, Yuliy V. 159 -- Asad, Talal -- 133 -- Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter, 121 -- Ashanti people [Gold Coast] 70 -- Association of Social Anthropologists [ASA] [UK] -- 52 -- 77 -- 158 -- Atran, Scott 166 -- Augé, Marc -- 116 -- 173 -- Non-Places, 173 -- Australia -- 47 -- Aboriginal presentation of culture, 174 -- Austria, anthropology in 28 -- authority, in Weber 33-4 -- Azande people, Sudan -- Evans-Pritchard's work with, 71 -- Evans-Pritchard's work with, 96 -- Evans-Pritchard's work with, 97 -- Fortes's work with, 70 -- Fortes's work with, 71 -- Bachofen, Johann Jakob 22 -- Bailey, Frederick -- 88 -- 90 -- 136 -- Baining people, New Guinea 74 -- Balandier, Georges -- 79 -- 109 -- 114 -- Bali, Mead and Bateson's photographic work in -- 60 -- 63 -- 75 -- Balibar, Étienne 115 -- Barkow, John [ed.], The Adapted Mind 168 -- Barnard, Alan 150 -- Barnes, John -- 90 -- African models in the New Guinea Highlands, 102-3 -- network analysis, 87 -- Barth, Fredrik -- 34 -- 88 -- 92-3 -- 129 -- 141 -- 149-50 -- Barthes, Roland -- 107 -- 142 -- Baruya people, New Guinea 116 -- Bastian, Adolf -- 21-2 -- 35 -- Man in History, 21 -- Bataille, Georges 60 -- Bateson, Gregory -- 75 -- 82 -- 94 -- and functionalism, 74-5 -- communications theory, 75 -- communications theory, 94 -- Bateson, William 74 -- Baudrillard, Jean -- 48 -- 173 -- Bechuanaland [Botswana] 73 -- belief and knowledge -- see also religion -- 71 -- Bemba people, Zambia, Richards's work with -- 71 -- 73 -- 90 -- Benedict, Ruth -- 41 -- 52 -- 55 -- 58 -- 59 -- The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, 62-3 -- Bergen University, Norway -- 92 -- 109.

Bergson, Henri 37 -- Bering Straits expedition 28 -- Berkeley, University of California at -- 41 -- 58 -- 109 -- 126 -- Berlin -- 21 -- Berliner Museum für Völkerkunde, 15 -- Berliner Museum für Völkerkunde, 21 -- Berlin, Brent 165 -- Bhabha, Homi K. 144 -- biological determinism -- 131 -- 167 -- biology -- and anthropology, 129 -- and anthropology, 131 -- and anthropology, 168-9 -- and culture, 163-9 -- use of cybernetics, 94 -- Birdwhistell, Raymond -- 68 -- 131 -- Bloch, Maurice 116 -- Boas, Franz -- 18 -- 28 -- 37 -- 55 -- 101 -- anti-racism of, 40 -- anti-racism of, 56 -- anti-racism of, 167 -- career, 38-9 -- body, anthropology of the -- 125 -- 128-9 -- 130 -- 131 -- 138 -- 154 -- 167 -- body-language -- 68 -- Mead and Bateson's work on, 63 -- Mead and Bateson's work on, 131 -- Bogoraz, Vladimir Germanovich 28 -- Bohannan, Laura, Return to Laughter 122-3 -- Bourdieu, Pierre -- 48 -- 107 -- 129-30 -- and logic of practice, 71 -- habitus, 63 -- habitus, 130 -- habitus, 138 -- habitus, 162 -- Boyer, Pascal 166 -- Brazil -- academic anthropology in, 109 -- academic anthropology in, 121 -- academic anthropology in, 158 -- Scheper-Hughes's work in, 154 -- Briggs, Jean, work on Inuit 125 -- British anthropology -- anthropological traditions, 6-7 -- anthropological traditions, 25 -- anthropological traditions, 75 -- [ 17 -- [ 38 -- [ 50 -- Bromley, Yuliy 159 -- Buddha, Gautama 2 -- Burma, Leach's work on -- 90 -- 91-2 -- Caillois, Roger 60 -- Cairo University, Egypt -- 57 -- 73 -- Calloway, Helen, Anthropology and Autobiography [with Okely] 150 -- Calvinism 32 -- Cambridge University -- 109 -- anthropology at, 47 -- anthropology at, 57 -- anthropology at, 72 -- anthropology at, 90-3 -- capitalism -- and protestant ethic [Weber], 32 -- global, 171 -- capitalist society -- and economic theory, 83.

Marx's analysis of, 19-21 -- Marx's analysis of, 112 -- Marx's analysis of, 116 -- capitalist world system theory 119-22 -- cargo cults, Melanesia 86 -- Caribbean -- as ethnographic region, 78 -- as ethnographic region, 81 -- as ethnographic region, 121 -- plural societies in West Indies, 174 -- Carrier, James, Occidentalism 145 -- Central Europe -- see also Poland -- 158 -- Chagnon, Napoleon 175 -- change -- constructive, 34 -- cultural, 81-2 -- dynamics of, 77 -- dynamics of, 87 -- Marxist perspective on, 122 -- Chaos Theory 164 -- charismatic power [Weber's third type] 33-4 -- Chartist revolt 16 -- Chayanov, Alexander -- 67 -- 114 -- 122 -- Chicago University -- 109 -- 136 -- Chicago School, 66-9 -- Chicago School, 93 -- Man the Hunter symposium [ 11 -- Man the Hunter symposium [ 82 -- Man the Hunter symposium [ 108 -- child labour 16 -- child-rearing 62 -- China -- 154 -- 158 -- choice -- and marriage, 105-6 -- in social change, 89 -- Chomsky, Noam 167 -- Church -- and liberation of science, 6 -- and liberation of science, 10 -- cinéma vérité 60 -- city-states -- Greek, 1-2 -- Greek, 3 -- civilisation, and culture 13 -- class analysis, Marxist -- 20 -- 112 -- class mobility, studies of 137 -- classification -- and kinship systems, 18-19 -- and kinship systems, 107 -- comparative, 101 -- social [Durkheim], 30 -- Clifford, James -- 141 -- 146 -- 148 -- 149 -- The Predicament of Culture, 147 -- cognitive anthropology 101 -- cognitive science -- 100 -- 165-7 -- Cohen, Abner -- Customs and Politics in Urban Africa, 126 -- Two-Dimensional Man, 127 -- Cohen, Anthony P., The Symbolic Construction of Community -- 128 -- 138 -- collective representations [Durkheim] -- 31-2 -- 45 -- collectivism -- 14 -- and theories of change, see also methodological colle -- and theories of change, 95 -- colonialism -- 17 -- 36 -- 88.

administration's relations with anthropologists, 56 -- administration's relations with anthropologists, 120 -- colonies, former, hostility towards anthropology 145 -- colour classification -- 101 -- 165 -- Colson, Elizabeth 87 -- Columbia University, New York -- 109 -- Boas's tenure at, 39 -- Boas's tenure at, 58 -- Steward at, 77 -- Steward at, 80 -- Columbus, Christopher 5 -- Comaroff, John and Jean 174 -- communication 68 -- communications theory, Bateson and -- 75 -- 94 -- complex systems theory 164 -- componential analysis 101 -- computers, data analysis 101 -- Comte, Auguste -- 22 -- 25 -- 29 -- Condorcet, Marquis de 11 -- conflict -- and constructive change, 34 -- Gluckman's work on, 88-9 -- Confucius 2 -- Conklin, Harold 100 -- Conrad, Joseph 42 -- context -- 162 -- importance of, 51 -- importance of, 97 -- of research, 56 -- contract, and status -- 22 -- 35 -- Cosmides, Leda 168 -- cultural anthropology -- core debates [ 78 -- in USA, 39 -- Cultural Anthropology [journal] -- 146 -- 148 -- cultural creolisation 172 -- cultural difference 11 -- cultural ecology -- 79 -- 80-2 -- 118-19 -- cultural evolution -- Frazer's scheme of, 25 -- Morgan's stages of, 19 -- cultural history 64-5 -- cultural hybridity 69 -- cultural imperialism, of Universal Declaration of Human Rights 77 -- cultural Marxism 113 -- cultural materialism, Harris's 82 -- cultural modernisation 68 -- cultural personality [ethos] -- 62 -- 63 -- 95 -- cultural pluralism -- 126 -- 174 -- cultural relativism -- 8 -- 12 -- 176 -- Boas's term, 40 -- in Bastian, 22 -- in Bastian, 35 -- nature-nurture debate, 1 -- nature-nurture debate, 76-7 -- cultural survivals -- 23 -- 27 -- cultural translation -- 37 -- 66 -- and rationality, 97 -- in context of imperialism, 60 -- cultural wholes -- 13 -- 128 -- 162 -- as superorganic, 65 -- postmodern criticism of, 144.

postmodern criticism of, 146.
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