Cover image for They Never Said It : A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions.
They Never Said It : A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions.
They Never Said It : A Book of Fake Quotes, Misquotes, and Misleading Attributions.
Jr., Paul F. Boller.
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1 online resource (137 pages)
Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Preface -- A Note to Our Readers -- Contents -- Voices of the Vietnam POWs -- Adams, John -- No religion -- Addison, Joseph -- Hesitates-lost -- Allen, Ethan -- In the name of Jehovah -- Armstrong, Neil -- Small step -- Beria, Lavrenti -- Psychopolitics -- Teen-agers -- Bible -- Cleanliness -- Fools rush in -- God helps -- Pride -- Safety in numbers -- Spare the rod -- The wind -- Bogart, Humphrey -- Play it again -- Tennis -- Boyer, Charles -- Casbah -- Brezhnev, Leonid -- Treasure houses of West -- Burke, Edmund -- Indict a whole people -- Triumph of evil -- Butler, Samuel -- Man convinced against his will -- Cagney, James -- Rat -- Cambronne, Pierre Jacques Etienne -- Guard -- Carlyle, Thomas -- Genius -- Cervantes, Miguel de -- Streets of by-and-by -- Churchill, Winston -- Blood, sweat, and tears -- Tax into prosperity -- Cicero, Marcus Tullius -- Budget balancing -- Cohen, Israel -- Racial tension -- Colson, Charles -- Grandmother -- Communist Party Directive -- Label them fascists -- Congreve, William -- Music -- Coolidge, Calvin -- Hired the money -- Darwin, Charles -- Wish I hadn't -- Devereux, James P. S. -- Send more Japs -- Dimitrov, Georgi -- Soviet power -- Disraeli, Benjamin -- Divide the United States for the Rothschilds -- Jews want to destroy Christendom -- Donaldson, Sam -- Hold on -- Durocher, Leo -- Nice guys -- Edison, Thomas Alva -- Doctor of future -- Eisenhower, Dwight D. -- Birch Society -- Emerson, Ralph Waldo -- Consistency -- Mousetrap -- Fields, W. C. -- Children and dogs -- Philadelphia -- Francis I -- All is lost -- Franklin, Benjamin -- Exclude Jews -- Insidious Catholics -- Tiger -- Frietchie, Barbara -- Shoot if you must -- Gaither, Rowan -- Overall aim of Ford Foundation -- Galileo -- Does move -- Garbo, Greta -- Go home -- Garfield, James A.

Cheap labor -- Government still lives -- Gaulle, Charles de -- Inevitable communism -- Joan of Arc -- Gibbon, Edward -- Religions equally true and false -- Gipp, George -- Win one -- Goering, Hermann -- Reach for revolver -- Goldwater, Barry M. -- Fraternities -- Goldwyn, Sam -- Blanket check -- Blood and thirsty -- Brink of abscess -- Bull by teeth -- Caustic -- Comedies not to be laughed at -- Duck -- Flashlight -- Hair stand on edge of seat -- Im-possible -- Include me out -- Indians -- Make them Americans -- Mucus -- Next time I send a fool -- Read part of it -- Psychiatrist -- S.O.B. -- Verbal contract -- Gordon, Sol -- Anti-marriage -- Greeley, Horace -- Go west -- Hall, Gus -- Strangled to death -- Hecht, Ben -- Executing Christ -- Hitler, Adolf -- Law and order -- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. -- Keep government poor -- Holmes, Sherlock -- Elementary, Watson -- Hoover, Herbert -- Noble experiment -- Prosperity around the corner -- Hopkins, Harry -- Damn dumb -- Tax, spend, elect -- Howard, Roy -- Too much checking facts -- Humanist Manifesto II -- Unbridled sexuality -- Ickes, Harold -- Modified communism -- Ingersoll, Robert G. -- Humblest peasant -- Jackson, Andrew -- Let him enforce it -- One man with courage -- Victors, spoils -- Japanese Government Memo -- Competing for Japanese investments -- Jefferson, Thomas -- Best government -- Eternal vigilance -- Jones, John Paul -- Not yet begun to fight -- Kant, Immanuel -- Copernican revolution -- Kautsky, Karl -- Socialist work -- Khrushchev, Nikita -- Doses of socialism -- Gullible -- Too liberal to fight -- Treaties with imperialists -- Kissinger, Henry -- Day of United States past -- Knights of Columbus -- Bogus oath -- Lawrence, James -- Don't give up ship -- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyitch -- All slave -- Best way to destroy capitalism -- Capitalists sell rope.

Capitalist trade finances destruction -- Caress masses -- Corrupt young people -- Could not have come to power -- Fertile field -- Firearms registration -- Five enemies -- Freedom of speech -- Give me a child -- Immutable aim -- Inconceivable -- Invective, slander, smear -- Overripe fruit -- Pie crust -- Road to Paris -- Socialized medicine -- Spend itself to destruction -- Teachers, professors, ministers -- Three-fourths perish -- Turn world upside down -- Useful idiots -- Win Western world -- Lincoln, Abraham -- All that loves labor -- Ancient sea -- Anti-Catholic -- Anti-Prohibition -- Anti-slavery -- Baseball -- Boots and Bible -- Bound to be true -- Cannot -- Common people -- Congenital aversion -- Corporations enthroned -- Danger from within -- Divine Son of Mary -- Equality of both races -- Fool all of the people -- Grandson -- High tariff -- Know there's a God -- Love Jesus -- Play a solo -- Popular sovereignty -- Proud of city -- Teach economy -- Unsoundness of the Christian scheme -- Warts -- Wriggle for office -- Long, Huey -- Americanism -- Longworth, Alice Roosevelt -- Bridegroom -- Coolidge -- Louis XIV -- The State is me -- Maguire, William A. -- Praise the Lord -- Mankiewicz, Herman -- Grace of God -- Manuilsky, Dimitri -- War to the hilt -- Marie Antoinette -- Eat cake -- Marx, Groucho -- Truman -- Mather, Cotton -- Malignants called Quakers -- Napoleon I [Napoleon Bonaparte] -- Jesus not a man -- Shopkeepers -- Nash, Ogden -- Catsup bottle -- Newton, Sir Isaac -- Shoulders of giants -- Nixon, Richard M. -- Great wall -- O'Hair, Madalyn Murray -- Stop religious broadcasting -- Otis, James -- Taxation -- Paine, Thomas -- Five Bibles -- Pepys, Samuel -- Marines -- Pershing, John J. -- Lafayette -- Pétain, Marshal Henri Philippe -- Shall not pass -- Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth -- Anti-Semitic -- Millions for defense.

Prescott, William -- Whites of eyes -- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -- Sheep and wolves -- Rabinovich, Rabbi Emanuel -- No more religions -- Reveal our identity -- Reagan, Ronald -- Man-horse -- Summit meeting -- Reed, John -- The future works -- Reuther, Walter -- Soviet America -- Rogers, Will -- Never met man -- Weather -- Roosevelt, Franklin D. -- Immigrants -- Nothing wrong with Communism -- Rules for Revolution -- Rules for revolution -- Scholz, Jackson -- Old Book -- Sévigné, Marquise de -- Hero to valet -- Shaw, George Bernard -- Deaf, dumb, blind -- Only interested in money -- Sheridan, Philip -- Good Indian -- Sherman, William Tecumseh -- Hold the fort -- War is hell -- Stalin, Josef -- Aid to backward countries -- Breaking eggs -- Ripe fruit -- Words and actions -- Sutton, Willie -- Rob banks -- Taft, Robert A. -- The U.N. -- Talmud -- Cheat a goy -- Tocqueville, Alexis de -- Not a single bureaucrat -- Twain, Mark -- Lillian Russell -- Smoking -- Three kinds of lies -- Wagner -- Weather -- Voltaire [Jean François Arouet] -- Defend to the death -- Washington, George -- Anti-Jewish -- Bible -- Can't tell a lie -- Deficit spending -- Die hard -- Lord God of gods -- Not a Christian country -- Wellington, 1st Duke of -- At 'em -- Playing fields of Eton -- Wilson, Charles -- General Motors -- Wilson, Woodrow -- Beauty limerick -- Wise, Stephen -- Communism is Judaism -- Woollcott, Alexander -- Wet clothes -- Zhou En-lai -- Opium for Americans -- Zinoviev, Grigori -- Red flag over White House -- Notes -- Index.
Abraham Lincoln never said, "You cannot fool all the people all the time." Thomas Jefferson never said, "That government is best which governs least." And Horace Greeley never said, "Go west, young man." In They Never Said It, Paul F. Boller, Jr. and John George examine hundreds of misquotations, incorrect attributions, and blatant fabrications, outlining the origins of the quotes and revealing why we should consign them to the historical trashcan. Many of the misquotes are quite harmless. Some are inadvertent misquotes that have become popular (Shakespeare actually said, "The best part of valor is discretion"), others, the inventions of reporters embellishing a story (Franklin Roosevelt never opened a speech to a DAR group with the salutation, "My fellow immigrants"). But some of the quotes, such as Charles Darwin's supposed deathbed recantation of evolution, falsify the historical record with their blatant dishonesty. And other chillingly vicious ones, filled with virulent racial and religious prejudices, completely distort the views of the person supposedly quoted and spread distrust and hatred among the gullible. These include the forged remarks attributed to Benjamin Franklin that Jews should be excluded from America and the fabricated condemnation of Catholics attributed to Lincoln. An entertaining and thought-provoking book, They Never Said It covers a great deal of history and sets it right. Going beyond a mere catalog of popular misconceptions, Boller and George reveal how rightists and leftists, and atheists and evangelists all have at times twisted and even invented the words of eminent figures to promote their own ends. The ultimate debunking reference, it perfectly complements handbooks of quotations.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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