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Economic Diplomacy : Essays and Reflections by Singapore's Negotiators.
Economic Diplomacy : Essays and Reflections by Singapore's Negotiators.
Lim, C.L.
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1 online resource (346 pages)
CONTENTS -- FOREWORD -- FOREWORD -- FOREWORD -- LETTER -- PREFACE -- ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS -- SINGAPORE'S ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY: AN INTRODUCTION* -- I. Main Themes -- II. Singapore's Entry into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and Its Objectives in the Uruguay Round -- A. Singapore Accedes to the GATT -- B. Participation in the Uruguay Round -- 1. Background -- 2. Policy Goals -- III. Global Trade Negotiations: From the Tokyo to the Doha Round -- A. The Tokyo Round (1973-1979) -- B. The Uruguay Round (1986-1994) -- C. The Doha Round (2001-present) -- D. Impact of the Stalled Doha Talks -- E. The Chapters in Part One of the Book -- IV. Informal Groupings in the GATT/WTO -- V. Singapore's Free Trade Agreements -- VI. Individual Singaporeans in Multilateral Economic Diplomacy -- VII. Origins and Arrangement of the Book -- PART ONE ESSAYS AND REFLECTIONS ON MULTILATERALISM -- (A) Essays -- CHAPTER 1 THE WTO INSTITUTIONAL REFORMS: ISSUES AND PROSPECTS -- I. Background -- II. The WTO Agenda -- III. Decision-Making: Efficiency Versus Transparency -- IV. Special and Differential Treatment (S&D) -- V. Conclusion -- CHAPTER 2 INFORMAL CAUCUSES WITHIN THE WTO: SINGAPORE IN THE "INVISIBLES GROUP" -- I. Introduction -- II. The Invisibles Group -- III. Origins of the Invisibles Group -- Stoler argued: -- IV. The 1995 Inaugural Meeting -- V. Five Meetings Before the Singapore Ministerial Conference -- VI. What these Meetings Achieved -- VII. Opportunity Lost and the Proliferation of Free Trade Agreements -- VIII. Singapore's Inclusion in Key Informal Groupings -- IX. Ensuring a Central Role for the WTO Director-General -- X. Influence of the Quads and the Absence of a Developing Country Agenda -- XI. Accomplishing the Information Technology Agreement -- XII. The Second WTO Ministerial Conference -- XIII. The Issue of NGO Participation.

XIV. End of the Invisibles -- XV. Conclusion -- CHAPTER 3 ANTI-DUMPING NEGOTIATIONS IN THE URUGUAY ROUND: REFLECTIONS OF A SINGAPORE NEGOTIATOR -- I. Introduction -- II. Brief History of Anti-Dumping Rules -- III. Anti-Dumping Negotiations During the Uruguay Round -- A. From Punta del Este to Montreal: 1986-1988 -- B. From Montreal to Brussels: 1989-1990 -- C. The Ministerial Conference in Brussels: 3-7 December 1990 -- D. From Brussels to the Conclusion of the Uruguay Round: The Draft Final Act: 1991-1993 -- IV. Overall Assessment and Singapore's Role -- V. The Way Ahead -- CHAPTER 4 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE URUGUAY ROUND -- I. The Uruguay Round -- II. Intellectual Property Increases in Importance -- III. The International Conventions -- IV. The Move for a New Trade Round -- V. Intellectual Property Negotiations in GATT: Misgivings, Opposition and Eventual Inclusion -- VI. The Informal Working Group on TRIPS -- VII. TRIPS in the WTO: An Overview -- VIII. The Domestic Implementation of TRIPS -- IX. The Subsequent Developments: Singapore Moves Ahead -- CHAPTER 5 A NEW APPROACH TO TRADE NEGOTIATIONS? -- I. Introduction -- II. WTO Ministerial Meeting Deferred -- III. G20 Rhetoric Not Matched by Reality -- IV. What Should We Do? -- V. Revisiting the Approach to the Doha Negotiations -- VI. Single Undertaking Versus Early Harvest -- VII. A More Limited Doha Negotiating Agenda -- VIII. Bilateral and Plurilateral Versus Multilateral Deals -- IX. Conclusion -- CHAPTER 6 DOMESTIC REGULATIONS IN SERVICES: A CHAIRMAN'S PERSPECTIVE -- I. Introduction -- II. The GATS's Balancing Act -- III. GATS Article VI (Domestic Regulation) -- IV. An Overview of Obligations Arising From GATS Articles VI:1, 2, 3 & 6 -- V. Kicking Off the Article VI:4 Mandate: Disciplines on Domestic Regulation in the Accountancy Sector -- VI. GATS Article VI:4 Negotiations.

A. Facilitating Trade in Services -- B. Respecting Members' Right to Regulate -- C. Development Aspects of Disciplines on Domestic Regulation -- VII. Necessity Test: "Trade Liberaliser" or "Mother of All Interventions"? -- VIII. Interim Disciplines on Domestic Regulation in Article VI:5 -- IX. Conclusion -- CHAPTER 7 FUTURE TRENDS IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND IMPACT ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT -- I. Introduction -- A. The TRIPS Agreement -- B. WTO-WIPO Cooperation -- C. Patents and Public Health -- D. Internet and Digital Technology -- E. Development Agenda -- II. The Future -- III. Conclusion -- (B) Reflections -- CHAPTER 8 MY EXPERIENCES WITH THE WTO DISPUTE SETTLEMENT SYSTEM -- I. Introdution -- A. From Voluntary to Mandatory -- B. Dispute Settlement Body -- C. 1996 WTO Ministerial Meeting -- D. How the System Works -- II. The First Dispute Panel -- A. US - The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act or Helms-Burton Act -- B. Helms-Burton Act -- C. EC Requested US for Consultations -- D. EC Requested Establishment of Panel -- E. EC and US Reactions to Panel -- F. Panel's Teleconference -- G. Communication to EC, US and Third Parties -- H. EC Requests Delay and Suspension -- I. US-EU Understanding on Helms-Burton -- J. Panel Lapsed on 21 April 1998 -- K. Thanks from Ruggiero and Dunkel -- L. Concluding Thoughts -- III. The Second Dispute Panel -- A. Canada - Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products -- B. Background -- C. Consultations -- D. Requests for Panel -- E. Composition of Panel -- F. Secretariat -- G. Organisational Meeting -- H. First Substantive Meeting -- I. Second Substantive Meeting -- J. Interim Report -- K. Final Report -- L. Upheld by Appellate Body -- M. Significance of this Case -- IV. The Third Dispute Panel.

A. US - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia -- B. Background -- C. Consultations -- D. Panel -- E. Secretariat -- F. Organisational Meeting -- G. First Substantive Meeting -- H. Second Substantive Hearing -- I. Interim Report -- J. Final Report -- K. Appellate Body -- V. Concluding Reflections -- CHAPTER 9 THE WTO MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE IN SINGAPORE -- I. Deriving Security from Globalisation -- II. Singapore Offers to Host the First WTO Ministerial Conference -- III. The United States Objects -- IV. Work Begins -- V. Lack of Progress Over the Substantive Issues -- VI. Breakthrough -- VII. The Singapore Ministerial Declaration -- VIII. The Doha Development Round Today -- IX. Conclusion -- PART TWO ESSAYS AND REFLECTIONS ON FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS -- (A) Essays -- CHAPTER 10 AN INTUITIVE GUIDE TO THE SERVICES CHAPTER OF THE UNITED STATES-SINGAPORE FREE TRADE AGREEMENT -- I. The Mystique of the USSFTA -- II. The USSFTA: Basic Commitments -- III. The Negative List -- IV. Grandfathering of Existing Measures -- V. Sensitive Sectors -- A. Social, Security and Other Non-Economic Considerations -- B. We Have a Different View -- C. A Different World -- VI. Government Levers -- A. Investment Incentives -- B. Land Use -- C. Devolution of Government Functions -- VII. Conclusion -- CHAPTER 11 SOME LESSONS FROM PAST FTA DISPUTES -- I. Introduction -- II. Disputes About the Legality of an FTA -- A. The Formation of the EEC and the EEC's Association Agreements -- B. The Turkey-Textiles and US-Line Pipe Disputes -- III. Trade Remedy Clauses and Disputes -- IV. Using an FTA as a Legal Defence -- V. Disputes about FTA Dispute Provisisons -- VI. Investment Disputes -- VII. Disputes Over FTA Language -- VIII. The Spectre of Multiple Law Suits -- IX. Conclusion -- CHAPTER 12 ASEAN'S JOURNEY TOWARDS FREE TRADE.

I. ASEAN's Development in Freeing Trade in Goods -- A. ASEAN's Process of Negotiated Accommodation -- B. Rate of Liberalisation of Goods Tariffs -- C. Negotiated Targets For Liberalisation -- D. Acceleration of Overall Target -- E. Safety Valves to Underpin Accelerated Liberalisation -- 1. Temporary Exclusion List (TEL) -- 2. Sensitive List (SL) -- 3. Highly Sensitive List (HSL) -- 4. General Exceptions List (GE) -- F. Encouraging the Liberalisation Process Through an Interim Reciprocity Rule -- G. Setting of Interim Targets for Tariff Lines in the Inclusion List to Reach 0-5% Tariff and Later to Reach Zero Tariff -- H. Adherence to WTO Principles -- I. Singapore's Role in the AFTA-CEPT -- II. ASEAN's Development in Trade in Services -- A. Coverage of AFAS -- B. The Ambitious Nature of AFAS -- C. Progress of the ASEAN Negotiations -- D. MFN Obligations -- E. ASEAN-Minus-X Modality -- F. Mutual Recognition Agreements -- III. ASEAN's Development in Investment -- A. Coverage of the AIA -- B. Eliminations of Reservations -- C. Expansion of the AIA -- IV. ASEAN's Continuing Journey Towards Free Trade With Dialogue Partners -- A. First Free Trade Area Discussion with ASEAN's Dialogue Partners (Australia and New Zealand) -- B. Discussions with Other Dialogue Partners -- C. Assignment of Duties -- D. Packaging of the ASEAN Plus FTAs -- V. ASEAN Plus China FTA: Trade in Goods -- A. Normal Track and Sensitive Track -- B. The Modality for the Normal Track -- C. The Modality for the Sensitive Track -- D. Overall Summing Up -- VI. ASEAN Plus Korea FTA: Trade in Goods -- A. Schedule of Tariff Reductions in the Normal Track -- B. Normal Track Modalities -- C. The Modalities for the Sensitive Track -- D. Modalities for Highly Sensitive List -- E. Overall Summing Up -- VII. ASEAN Plus Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership: Trade in Goods.

A. The Common List of Goods and Formula.
Singapore, a small country with limited resources, has nevertheless played a significant role in regional and global trade negotiations. Its negotiators possess a wealth of knowledge and experiences and yet few have told their story. This book is a collection of sixteen essays by authors who have been closely involved in trade negotiations including GATT/WTO and bilateral free trade agreements. They share their experiences in such negotiations, how they promoted national interests and advanced the global trade agenda. It will appeal to readers who are interested in how international economic diplomacy is conducted, and Singapore's role and perspective as an open trading nation.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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