Cover image for OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications.
OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications.
OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications.
Wang, Zhaohui.
Personal Author:
1st ed.
Physical Description:
1 online resource (471 pages)
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface -- Acronyms -- Notation -- Chapter 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Background and Context -- 1.1.1 Early Exploration of Underwater Acoustics -- 1.1.2 Underwater Communication Media -- 1.1.3 Underwater Systems and Networks -- 1.2 UWA Channel Characteristics -- 1.2.1 Sound Velocity -- 1.2.2 Propagation Loss -- 1.2.3 Time-Varying Multipath -- 1.2.4 Acoustic Propagation Models -- 1.2.5 Ambient Noise and External Interference -- 1.3 Passband Channel Input-Output Relationship -- 1.3.1 Linear Time-Varying Channel with Path-Specific Doppler Scales -- 1.3.2 Linear Time-Varying Channels with One Common Doppler Scale -- 1.3.3 Linear Time-Invariant Channel -- 1.3.4 Linear Time-Varying Channel with Both Amplitude and Delay Variations -- 1.3.5 Linear Time-Varying Channel with Frequency-Dependent Attenuation -- 1.4 Modulation Techniques for UWA Communications -- 1.4.1 Frequency Hopped FSK -- 1.4.2 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum -- 1.4.3 Single Carrier Modulation -- 1.4.4 Sweep-Spread Carrier (S2C) Modulation -- 1.4.5 Multicarrier Modulation -- 1.4.6 Multi-Input Multi-Output Techniques -- 1.4.7 Recent Developments on Underwater Acoustic Communications -- 1.5 Organization of the Book -- Chapter 2 OFDM Basics -- 2.1 Zero-Padded OFDM -- 2.1.1 Transmitted Signal -- 2.1.2 Receiver Processing -- 2.2 Cyclic-Prefixed OFDM -- 2.2.1 Transmitted Signal -- 2.2.2 Receiver Processing -- 2.3 OFDM Related Issues -- 2.3.1 ZP-OFDM versus CP-OFDM -- 2.3.2 Peak-to-Average-Power Ratio -- 2.3.3 Power Spectrum and Bandwidth -- 2.3.4 Subcarrier Assignment -- 2.3.5 Overall Data Rate -- 2.3.6 Design Guidelines -- 2.4 Implementation via Discrete Fourier Transform -- 2.5 Challenges and Remedies for OFDM -- 2.5.1 Benefits of Diversity Combining and Channel Coding -- 2.6 MIMO OFDM -- 2.7 Bibliographical Notes.

Chapter 3 Nonbinary LDPC Coded OFDM -- 3.1 Channel Coding for OFDM -- 3.1.1 Channel Coding -- 3.1.2 Coded Modulation -- 3.1.3 Coded OFDM -- 3.2 Nonbinary LDPC Codes -- 3.2.1 Nonbinary Regular Cycle Codes -- 3.2.2 Nonbinary Irregular LDPC Codes -- 3.3 Encoding -- 3.4 Decoding -- 3.4.1 Initialization -- 3.4.2 Variable-to-Check-Node Update -- 3.4.3 Check-to-Variable-Node Update -- 3.4.4 Tentative Decision and Decoder Outputs -- 3.5 Code Design -- 3.5.1 Design of Regular Cycle codes -- 3.5.2 Design of Irregular LDPC Codes -- 3.5.3 Quasi-Cyclic Nonbinary LDPC codes -- 3.6 Simulation Results of Coded OFDM -- 3.7 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 4 PAPR Control -- 4.1 PAPR Comparison -- 4.2 PAPR Reduction -- 4.2.1 Clipping -- 4.2.2 Selective Mapping -- 4.2.3 Peak Reduction Subcarriers -- 4.3 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 5 Receiver Overview and Preprocessing -- 5.1 OFDM Receiver Overview -- 5.2 Receiver Preprocessing -- 5.2.1 Receiver Preprocessing -- 5.2.2 Digital Implementation -- 5.2.3 Frequency-Domain Oversampling -- 5.3 Frequency-Domain Input-Output Relationship -- 5.3.1 Single-Input Single-Output Channel -- 5.3.2 Single-Input Multi-Output Channel -- 5.3.3 Multi-Input Multi-Output Channel -- 5.3.4 Channel Matrix Structure -- 5.4 OFDM Receiver Categorization -- 5.4.1 ICI-Ignorant Receiver -- 5.4.2 ICI-Aware Receiver -- 5.4.3 Block-by-Block Processing -- 5.4.4 Block-to-Block Processing -- 5.4.5 Discussion -- 5.5 Receiver Performance Bound with Simulated Channels -- 5.5.1 Simulating Underwater Acoustic Channels -- 5.5.2 ICI Effect in Time-Varying Channels -- 5.5.3 Outage Performance of SISO Channel -- 5.6 Extension to CP-OFDM -- 5.6.1 Receiver Preprocessing -- 5.6.2 Frequency-Domain Input-Output Relationship -- 5.7 Bibliographical Notes.

Chapter 6 Detection, Synchronization and Doppler Scale Estimation -- 6.1 Cross-Correlation Based Methods -- 6.1.1 Cross-Correlation Based Detection -- 6.1.2 Cross-Correlation Based Synchronization and Doppler Scale Estimation -- 6.2 Detection, Synchronization and Doppler Scale Estimation with CP-OFDM -- 6.2.1 CP-OFDM Preamble with Self-Repetition -- 6.2.2 Self-Correlation Based Detection, Synchronization and Doppler Scale Estimation -- 6.2.3 Implementation -- 6.3 Synchronization and Doppler Scale Estimation for One ZP-OFDM Block -- 6.3.1 Null-Subcarrier based Blind Estimation -- 6.3.2 Pilot-Aided Estimation -- 6.3.3 Decision-Aided Estimation -- 6.4 Simulation Results for Doppler Scale Estimation -- 6.4.1 RMSE Performance with CP-OFDM -- 6.4.2 RMSE Performance with ZP-OFDM -- 6.4.3 Comparison of Blind Methods of CP- and ZP-OFDM -- 6.5 Design Examples in Practical Systems -- 6.6 Residual Doppler Frequency Shift Estimation -- 6.6.1 System Model after Resampling -- 6.6.2 Impact of Residual Doppler Shift Compensation -- 6.6.3 Two Residual Doppler Shift Estimation Methods -- 6.6.4 Simulation Results -- 6.7 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 7 Channel and Noise Variance Estimation -- 7.1 Problem Formulation for ICI-Ignorant Channel Estimation -- 7.1.1 The Input-Output Relationship -- 7.1.2 Dictionary Based Formulation -- 7.2 ICI-Ignorant Sparse Channel Sensing -- 7.2.1 Dictionary Resolution versus Channel Sparsity -- 7.2.2 Sparsity Factor -- 7.2.3 Number of Pilots versus Number of Paths -- 7.3 ICI-Aware Sparse Channel Sensing -- 7.3.1 Problem Formulation -- 7.3.2 ICI-Aware Channel Sensing -- 7.3.3 Pilot Subcarrier Distribution -- 7.3.4 Influence of Data Symbols -- 7.4 Sparse Recovery Algorithms -- 7.4.1 Matching Pursuit -- 7.4.2 l1-Norm Minimization -- 7.4.3 Matrix-Vector Multiplication via FFT.

7.4.4 Computational Complexity -- 7.5 Extension to Multi-Input Channels -- 7.5.1 ICI-Ignorant Sparse Channel Sensing -- 7.5.2 ICI-Aware Sparse Channel Sensing -- 7.6 Noise Variance Estimation -- 7.7 Noise Prewhitening -- 7.7.1 Noise Spectrum Estimation -- 7.7.2 Whitening in the Frequency Domain -- 7.8 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 8 Data Detection -- 8.1 Symbol-by-Symbol Detection in ICI-Ignorant OFDM Systems -- 8.1.1 Single-Input Single-Output Channel -- 8.1.2 Single-Input Multi-Output Channel -- 8.2 Block-Based Data Detection in ICI-Aware OFDM Systems -- 8.2.1 MAP Equalizer -- 8.2.2 Linear MMSE Equalizer with A Priori Information -- 8.2.3 Extension to the Single-Input Multi-Output Channel -- 8.3 Data Detection for OFDM Systems with Banded ICI -- 8.3.1 BCJR Algorithm and Log-MAP Implementation -- 8.3.2 Factor-Graph Algorithm with Gaussian Message Passing -- 8.3.3 Computations related to Gaussian Messages -- 8.3.4 Extension to SIMO Channel -- 8.4 Symbol Detectors for MIMO OFDM -- 8.4.1 ICI-Ignorant MIMO OFDM -- 8.4.2 Full-ICI Equalization -- 8.4.3 Banded-ICI Equalization -- 8.5 MCMC Method for Data Detection in MIMO OFDM -- 8.5.1 MCMC Method for ICI-Ignorant MIMO Detection -- 8.5.2 MCMC Method for Banded-ICI MIMO Detection -- 8.6 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 9 OFDM Receivers with Block-by-Block Processing -- 9.1 Noniterative ICI-Ignorant Receiver -- 9.1.1 Noniterative ICI-Ignorant Receiver Structure -- 9.1.2 Simulation Results: ICI-Ignorant Receiver -- 9.1.3 Experimental Results: ICI-Ignorant Receiver -- 9.2 Noniterative ICI-Aware Receiver -- 9.2.1 Noniterative ICI-Aware Receiver Structure -- 9.2.2 Simulation Results: ICI-Aware Receiver -- 9.2.3 Experimental Results: ICI-Aware Receiver -- 9.3 Iterative Receiver Processing -- 9.3.1 Iterative ICI-Ignorant Receiver -- 9.3.2 Iterative ICI-Aware Receiver.

9.4 ICI-Progressive Receiver -- 9.5 Simulation Results: ICI-Progressive Receiver -- 9.6 Experimental Results: ICI-Progressive Receiver -- 9.6.1 BLER Performance -- 9.6.2 Environmental Impact -- 9.6.3 Progressive versus Iterative ICI-Aware Receivers -- 9.7 Discussion -- 9.8 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 10 OFDM Receiver with Clustered Channel Adaptation -- 10.1 Illustration of Channel Dynamics -- 10.2 Modeling Cluster-Based Block-to-Block Channel Variation -- 10.3 Cluster-Adaptation Based Block-to-Block Receiver -- 10.3.1 Cluster Offset Estimation and Compensation -- 10.3.2 Cluster-Adaptation Based Sparse Channel Estimation -- 10.3.3 Channel Re-estimation and Cluster Variance Update -- 10.4 Experimental Results: MACE10 -- 10.4.1 BLER Performance with an Overall Resampling -- 10.4.2 BLER Performance with Refined Resampling -- 10.5 Experimental Results: SPACE08 -- 10.6 Discussion -- 10.7 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 11 OFDM in Deep Water Horizontal Communications -- 11.1 System Model for Deep Water Horizontal Communications -- 11.1.1 Transmitted Signal -- 11.1.2 Modeling Clustered Multipath Channel -- 11.1.3 Received Signal -- 11.2 Decision-Feedback Based Receiver Design -- 11.3 Factor-Graph Based Joint IBI/ICI Equalization -- 11.3.1 Probabilistic Problem Formulation -- 11.3.2 Factor-Graph Based Equalization -- 11.4 Iterative Block-to-Block Receiver Processing -- 11.5 Simulation Results -- 11.6 Experimental Results in the AUTEC Environment -- 11.7 Extension to Underwater Broadcasting Networks -- 11.7.1 Underwater Broadcasting Networks -- 11.7.2 Emulated Experimental Results: MACE10 -- 11.8 Bibliographical Notes -- Chapter 12 OFDM Receiver with Parameterized External Interference Cancellation -- 12.1 Interference Parameterization.

12.2 An Iterative OFDM Receiver with Interference Cancellation.
A blend of introductory material and advanced signal processing and communication techniques, of critical importance to underwater system and network development This book, which is the first to describe the processing techniques central to underwater OFDM, is arranged into four distinct sections: First, it describes the characteristics of underwater acoustic channels, and stresses the difference from wireless radio channels. Then it goes over the basics of OFDM and channel coding. The second part starts with an overview of the OFDM receiver, and develops various modules for the receiver design in systems with single or multiple transmitters. This is the main body of the book. Extensive experimental data sets are used to verify the receiver performance. In the third part, the authors discuss applications of the OFDM receiver in i) deep water channels, which may contain very long separated multipath clusters, ii) interference-rich environments, where an unintentional interference such as Sonar will be present, and iii) a network with multiple users where both non-cooperative and cooperative underwater communications are developed. Lastly, it describes the development of a positioning system with OFDM waveforms, and the progress on the OFDM modem development. Closely related industries include the development and manufacturing of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and scientific sensory equipment. AUVs and sensors in the future could integrate modems, based on the OFDM technology described in this book. Contents includes: Underwater acoustic channel characteristics/OFDM basics/Peak-to-average-ratio control/Detection and Doppler estimation (Doppler scale and CFO)/Channel estimation and noise estimation/A block-by-block progressive receiver and performance results/Extensions to multi-input multi-output OFDM/Receiver designs for multiple

users/Cooperative underwater OFDM (Physical layer network coding and dynamic coded cooperation)/Localization with OFDM waveforms/Modem developments A valuable resource for Graduate and postgraduate students on electrical engineering or physics courses; electrical engineers, underwater acousticians, communications engineers.
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Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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