Cover image for Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy.
Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy.
Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy.
Polzenhagen, Frank.
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1 online resource (324 pages)
Frau Minne und die Liebenden
Cover -- Contents -- Editors' preface -- References -- Metaphor and metonymy in the conceptual system -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The organization of the conceptual system -- 2.1. Vertical organization: Thematic structure -- 2.2. Horizontal organization of the system -- 3. Links in the system -- 3.1. Is-connection: Identity -- 3.2. Through-connection: Metonymy -- 3.3. As if-connection: Metaphor -- 3.4. Schematicity of metaphor and metonymy -- 3.5. Nonspecificity of metaphor and metonymy -- 4. Interaction of vertical hierarchies and functional domains -- 4.1. Metaphor or metonymy? -- 4.2. The primacy of metonymy over metaphor -- 4.3. Metonymy or vertical polysemy? -- 5. Conclusions -- References -- Corpus-based analysis of conceptual metaphors of HAPPINESS in Russian and English -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Comparative analysis of HAPPINESS IS LIGHT, HAPPINESS IS WARMTH, HAPPINESS IS FIRE in Russian and English -- 2.1. Happiness is Light -- 2.2. Happiness is Warmth -- 2.3. Happiness is Fire -- 3. Conclusions -- References -- Feeling the taste of victory: The figurative utilization of the concepts MOUTH and TONGUE in English, German and Hungarian -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Empirical basis -- 3. The domain matrix of mouth and tongue -- 3.1. From EATING to LINGUISTIC ACTION -- 3.2. From EATING to EMOTIONS -- 3.3. Interactions of EMOTIONS with LINGUISTIC ACTION -- 4. Conclusions -- References -- Sources -- Bewegungsmetaphorik im Lakota: Metaphorische Bewegungsverben und ihre Entsprechungen in europäischen Sprachen -- 1. Einleitung -- 2. Substantivische Metaphern -- 3. Adjektivische/adverbiale Metaphern -- 4. Verbale Metaphern -- 5. Fazit -- Annex -- Literaturverzeichnis -- The metaphor of the "body politic" across languages and cultures -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Nations and their 'bodies' -- 3. Methodological implications -- 4. Conclusions -- Appendix.

References -- The concept of the STATE in Hungarian political discourse: Variations reflected in the language of the constitutions -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Theoretical background and methodology -- 3. A note on the history of the three constitutions -- 4. Research findings -- 4.1. Metaphorical versus non-metaphorical occurrences -- 4.2. Words used with reference to the target domain -- 4.3. Metaphor identification and interpretation -- 5. Conclusions -- Appendix 1: Metaphor identification, the item state in its context -- 1949 -- 1989 -- 2012 -- Appendix 2: The basis of syntactic classification of other words in the target domain, referring to the entity itself (verbal collocates) -- 1949 -- 1989 -- 2012 -- References -- Metaphors on the territorial changes of post-Trianon Hungary -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Conceptual metaphors in academic papers -- 2.1. The EVENT metaphor -- 2.2. The SUBDIVISION metaphor -- 2.3. The DETACHING metaphor -- 2.4. The CUTTING metaphor -- 2.5. The TEARING APART metaphor -- 2.6. The AMPUTATION metaphor -- 3. Conceptual metaphors in popular papers -- 3.1. The DRAWING metaphor -- 3.2. The FILLING metaphor -- 3.3. The SUBDIVISION metaphor -- 3.4. The DETACHING metaphor -- 3.5. The CUTTING metaphor -- 3.6. The TEARING APART metaphor -- 3.7. The AMPUTATION metaphor -- 3.8. Mixed metaphors -- 4. Comparing academic and popular discourse metaphors -- 4.1. Within-culture variation -- 4.2. Common generic frame -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Sources -- Cognitive metaphorand the "Arab Spring" -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Conceptual metaphors -- 3. Method and corpus -- 4. Case Study -- 4.1. Forces of Nature -- 4.1.1. Water -- 4.1.2. Fire -- 4.1.3. Earthquake -- 4.1.4. Volcanic Eruption -- 4.1.5. Wind -- 4.2. Country-specific metaphors -- 4.2.1. Tunisia -- 4.2.2. Egypt -- 5. Conclusion -- References -- Newspaper articles.

Wenn das ‚Embodiment' politisch wird: Das Image-Schema PATH und seine Realisierung im Mediendiskurs zum „Arabischen Frühling" (2010-11) -- 1. Einleitung -- 2. Kurze Einführung grundlegender Konzepte -- 3. Analyseprämissen -- 4. Das PATH-Schema: ‚Entrenchment' und metaphorische Erweiterung/ Produktivität -- 5. Das PATH-Schema und seine metaphorische Realisierung im Mediendiskurs zum „Arabischen Frühling" (2010-11) -- 5.1. ‚Der Weg ist das Ziel'? Konzeptuelle Dynamiken zwischen Teleologie, Vermittlungsstrategien und Erwartungen -- 5.2. Politische (System-)Veränderung als Bewegung -- 5.3. Demokratie als Ort und Ziel -- 6. Resümee -- Literaturverzeichnis -- EMOTIONAL VALUE metaphors: A new class of INTEREST metaphors in advertising -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The interaction of INTEREST metaphors and GRABBING metonymies in advertising -- 3. The corpus -- 4. New types of INTEREST metaphors -- 4.1. Early advertising: USING THE PRODUCT IS GETTING MARRIED -- 4.2. Contemporary advertising -- 4.2.1. The FREEDOM metaphor -- 4.2.2. The PROTECTION metaphor -- 4.2.3. The CHARITY metaphor -- 5. Summary and conclusion -- References -- Figures -- Metaphor, metonymy, and brands: From INTEREST metaphors to INTEREST metonymies -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Metaphors in advertising -- 3. INTEREST metaphors -- 4. Case study: INTEREST metaphors on brand websites -- 5. Discussion -- References -- The conception of diseases in the persuasive sections of Hungarian medical recipes from the 16th and 17th centuries -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Research background and underlying assumptions -- 3. Corpus and research method -- 4. The schema of medical recipes in the 16th and 17th centuries -- 5. Concepts of diseases in the persuasion part of recipes -- 5.1. The non-metaphorical elaboration of PROMISE/RESULT -- 5.2. The metaphorical realization of PROMISE/RESULT.

5.2.1. Healing is The Passing of The Disease -- 5.2.2. Healing is The Death/Killing of The Disease -- 5.2.3. Recovery Means The Stopping of The Disease - A Disease is Motion -- 5.2.4. Recovery is Positive Change - Disease is A Negative State/Quality -- 6. Conclusion -- Note -- Sources -- References -- Kognitive Metaphern in der Jungschen Psychotherapie -- 1. Einleitung -- 2. Fallstudie -- 3. Schlussbetrachtungen -- Literaturverzeichnis -- What did 18th-century grammarians know about grammaticalisation? Notes on the early history of a current idea -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Grammaticalisation and Cognitive Linguistics -- 3. The history of the idea of grammaticalisation -- 4. Why the history of ideas matters -- References -- Kohärenz und Metonymie: Zitierpraktiken in öffentlichen Internetdiskussionsforen -- 1. Einleitung -- 2. Metonymie und Kohärenz: Von der metonymisch basierten Inferenz zur metonymischen Assoziation -- 3. Zitierpraktiken und Muster metonymischer Assoziationen in HYS -- Nachbemerkung -- Literaturverzeichnis -- "WTF is 'helicopter parenting' "? Metaphor commenting and negotiation in an online debate at BBC Being a parent -- 1. Metaphor in verbal interaction online -- 2. Metaphor in discourse - two perspectives -- 2.1. Origin, usage and cross-cultural comparison -- 2.2. Semantics and conceptual motivation of HELICOPTER PARENT -- 3. A brief sketch of interactional conditions at BBC Being a parent -- 4. Analysis and discussion -- 4.1. The HELICOPTER PARENT(ING) exchange and discourse activity -- 4.2. Micro-level functions and positioning in the HELICOPTER PARENTING exchange -- 5. Conclusion and outlook -- References -- Culture-specific metonymic relations in the conceptual system: On cognitive linguistic attitude research -- 1. Introduction -- 2. An introduction to cognitive linguistic attitude research.

2.1. The socio-psychological approach to attitude research -- 2.2. Combining linguistic studies with cognitive attitude research -- 2.3. Social categorisation in cognitive linguistic attitude research -- 3. Attitudes towards English in Ghana: A case study -- 4. Concluding remarks -- References -- Croatian place suffixations in -ište: Polysemy and metonymy -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Polysemy and word formation -- 3. The polysemy of suffixations in -ište: Extensions to non-locative meanings -- 4. Locative meanings of -ište -- 5. The direction of locative extensions in suffixations ending in -ište: a cognitively plausible account -- 6. Discussion and outlook -- Note -- References.
This volume presents selected contributions to an annual symposium on metaphor and metonymy held at the English Department of Heidelberg University. It brings together papers by lecturers, PhD students and graduates from three universities - Heidelberg University, Eoetvoes Lorand University in Budapest, and the University of East Anglia in Norwich. The contributions illustrate the plurality of perspectives and methods in current cognitive-linguistic research on metaphor and metonymy and exemplify some of the ways in which they can be combined. The papers also attest to the wide range of domains and topics to which metaphor- and metonymy-based research can be applied, including emotion terms, political and scientific discourse, morphology, cross-cultural variation and internet communication.
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