Testing microservice applications
Öztürk, Özgür, author.

Testing microservice applications

Öztürk, Özgür, author.

Yazar Ek Girişi
Öztürk, Özgür, author.

Fiziksel Tanımlama
ix, 53 leaves: illustrarions, charts; 29 cm + 1 computer laser optical disc.

This thesis contributes to the testing processes of microservice architecture. Microservices provide a scalable, reliable and cloud-based environment that is frequently preferred in today's technology applications. It consists of small, loosely coupled, isolated applications that work in harmony. In this study, microservice application is modeled using timed automata and model checker-based testing methods are exploited to generate test cases automatically. To this end, UPPAAL model checker tool is utilized. The model of the microservice application is mutated with respect to a set of fault hypotheses and these mutant models are verified against certain properties defined by system or application specifications. The returned counterexamples from the model checker are used to constitute the test cases. The entire process is automated and experimentally run for an example application. The generated test cases are also shown to be efficiently detect the errors. The proposed testing methodology has the benefits like a faster test generation process and achieving test cases with better fault detection capability

Konu Başlığı
Application program interfaces (Computer software)
Software architecture
Service-oriented architecture (Computer science)

Yazar Ek Girişi
Demirörs, Onur,
Ayav, Tolga,

Tüzel Kişi Ek Girişi
İzmir Institute of Technology. Computer Engineering

Tek Biçim Eser Adı
Thesis (Master)-- İzmir Institute of Technology: Computer Engineering
İzmir Institute of Technology: Computer Engineering (Master).

Elektronik Erişim
Access to Electronic Versiyon.

LibraryMateryal TürüDemirbaş NumarasıYer NumarasıDurumu/İade Tarihi
IYTE LibraryTezT002857TK5105.5828 .O99 2023Tez Koleksiyonu