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Planning problems of primary schools için kapak resmi
Planning problems of primary schools
Planning problems of primary schools
Alıcıgüzel, Özden.
Yazar Ek Girişi:
Yayın Bilgileri:
[s.l.]: [s.n.], 1999.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
xiii, 108 leaves: ill.
In Turkey, " The Compulsory Eight-year Basic Education Act ", which passed on 16 August 1997 in the Parliament, has combined primary school education with secondary school education. Thus, the period assigned for the primary school education has gone up to eight years; the students, consequently, between the ages 6-14 have been included in this system since the implementation of the Act.This study aims at the followings: solving space problems caused by the Act; determining space allocation standards and location criteria; and also determining the differences between public and private schools in terms of space allocation standards andlocation criteria.As the study area, the districts of Balyova, Narhdere and Guzelbahye located in the West side of izmir have been determined, and a questionnaire has been conducted at all primary schools in the study area. The objective of the questionnaire is to find out the planning problems of the primary schools which have been reshaped after the Act.In this thesis, it is put forth that the existing primary schools and the ones which will be constructed in the future are in need of rearrangements by means of space allocations; and any proposed space allocations standards and location criteria, from this moment on ought to be taken into consideration.
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Tek Biçim Eser Adı:
Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology: City and Regional Planning.

İzmir Institute of Technology: City and Regional Planning--Thesis (Master).
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