Analysis of graphical user interface design in the context of human-computer interaction (with a case study on oven control panel)
Analysis of graphical user interface design in the context of human-computer interaction (with a case study on oven control panel)
İlhan, Özlem.
Yazar Ek Girişi:
Yayın Bilgileri:
[s.l.]: [s.n.], 2005
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
xi, 98 leaves.: ill.+ 1 computer laser optical disc.
Genel Not:
Keywords: Interface, graphical user interface design, interaction, human-computer interaction.
In this era that the popularity of digital products has risen, computer and its tools affect every part of our lives. New technologies provide extraordinary powers to those people who master them. Digital products and their graphical user interfaces are still new technologies that are being rapidly disseminated. Human performance in the use of digital product will remain a rapidly expanding research and development topic in the coming decades. For this reason, theimportance of interaction between digital product and user should be considered.The term .Graphical user interface. is the layer where the digital productcommunicated with human and human communicated with digital product. A well-designed product can fail with an unsuccessful interface. Conversely, a product has not good design values can become successful with its well-designed interface. To get best interaction between digital product and user, the graphical interface design itself has some rudimentary design values like user-friendliness, usability, easy to learn, etc.At an individual level, user interfaces change many people.s lives. For instance, At an individual level, user interfaces change many people.s lives. For instance, and technicians can manipulate their job more safely. Some changes, however, are disruptive; too often, users must cope with frustration, fear, and failure when they encounter excessive complexity, incomprehensible terminology, or chaotic layouts.Designers are exploring how best to organize information graphically. They are developing query languages and visually attractive facilities. Techniques such as direct manipulation, telepresence, and virtual realities may change the ways that we interact with and think about digital products. Consequently, the goal of making the user's quality of life better is important to keep in mind.In this research, from the point of an industrial designer.s view, the subject matter .Graphical user interface design., and its all interaction rules with user are evaluated. In terms of design language, which has the ability of understand the user behavior, it puts the subject matter on the agenda to explore recipe of a successful product.
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Tek Biçim Eser Adı:
Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology: Industrial Design.
İzmir Institute of Technology:Industrial Design: Thesis (Master).
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