A case study on logging visual activities: Chess game
A case study on logging visual activities: Chess game
Ozan, Şükrü.
Yazar Ek Girişi:
Yayın Bilgileri:
[s.l.]: [s.n.], 2005
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
ix, 47 leaves.: ill.+ 1 computer laser optical disc
Genel Not:
Keywords: Chess, logging visual activities.
Automatically recognizing and analyzing visual activities in complex nenvironments is a challenging and open-ended problem. In this thesis this problem domain is visited in a chess game scenario where the rules, actions and the environment are well defined. The purpose here is to detect and observe a FIDE (Federation International des Echecs) compatible chess board and to generate a log file of the moves made by human players. A series of basic image processing operations have been applied to perform the desired task. The first step of automatically detecting a chess board is followed by locating the positions of the pieces. After the initial setup is established every move made by a player is automatically detected and verified. A PC-CAM connected to a PC is used to acquire images and implement the corresponding software. For convenience, .Intel R Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV). is used in the current software implementation.
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Tek Biçim Eser Adı:
Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology: Electronics and Communication Engineering.
İzmir Institute of Technology:Electronics and Communication Engineering.--Thesis (Master).
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