Hause price dynamics in İzmir's neighborhoods: A comprehensive approach
Hause price dynamics in İzmir's neighborhoods: A comprehensive approach
Sayın, Zeynep Melike, author.
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Fiziksel Tanımlama:
ix, 87 leaves: maps, plans, charts;+ 1 computer laser optical disc
The determinants of housing prices have a large place in empirical studies in the literature on housing markets. In the hedonic price modeling studies, structural and location-specific characteristics are considered as determinants under a cross-sectional study framework. Under another category, an approach is applied in which the effects of macroeconomic variables on housing prices are examined. The aim of this study is to examine the housing prices with a dynamic panel data set in Izmir through macroeconomic, neighborhood-specific and housing structural variables, to expand the scope of the related literature and to determine the effect level of these variables. Since spatial autocorrelation has been determined, the study has been extended within the scope of spatial models. The study area consists of 212 neighborhoods located in different districts of Izmir. The average housing sales data of these neighborhoods for 30 months in the 05.2017-10.2019 period were examined with 4 macroeconomic, 11 neighborhood-specific, and 9 housing structural characteristic variables, with descriptive analyses, panel linear regression, spatial autocorrelation tests, spatial panel regression, and geographically weighted regression (GWR). The results of the variables in the macroeconomic and the housing structural characteristics categories are consistent with the expectations formed as a result of the empirical literature review. The results of the neighborhood-specific variables raise new research questions. As a result of the spatial methods, a high level of spatial dependence and positive spatial spillover effects were determined. This study proves the validity of the use of spatial models in housing price research in Izmir. Keywords: Housing Market, Housing Price Determinants, Spatial Panel Regression, Moran’s I Statistics.
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Tek Biçim Eser Adı:
Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology:City Planning.
İzmir Institute of Technology: City Planning --Thesis (Master).
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