Politics of Human Rights : A Global Perspective. için kapak resmi
Politics of Human Rights : A Global Perspective.
Politics of Human Rights : A Global Perspective.
Evans, Tony.
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1 online resource (138 pages)
Human Security in the Global Economy
Contents -- Introduction: Globalization and the Study of Universal Human Rights -- Globalization and Human Security -- Philosophy, Law and the Politics of Universal Human Rights -- The Structure of the Book -- 1. The Politics of Universal Human Rights -- Human Rights as Politics -- Hegemony and Human Rights -- The Postwar Development of Human Rights -- The Post-1998 World Order and Human Rights -- Conclusion -- 2. Human Rights Law and Global Politics -- The Role of International Law in International Relations -- International Law and International Political Realism -- International Law and International Society -- Globalization, International Law and Human Rights -- The Limitations of International Human Rights Law -- Conclusion -- 3. The Political Economy of Human Rights -- Free Trade and Civil and Political Rights -- Globalization, Free Trade and Human Rights -- Trade- related Violations of Human Rights -- Conclusion -- 4. Globalization, Democracy and Human Rights -- Democracy and Universal Human Rights -- Democracy and Global Order -- Development, Democracy and Human Rights -- Conclusion -- 5. The Promise of Global Community and Human Rights -- The Hegemony of Civil and Political Rights -- International Citizenship -- Universal Human Rights and International Citizenship -- Conclusion -- Conclusion: The Process of Human Rights -- Bibliography -- Index -- Acosta, Mariclare, 72 -- Addo, M.K., 64 -- Adeola, F.O. 84 -- Albright, Madeleine 65 -- Alston, Philip -- 27 -- 31 -- 58 -- American Bar Association 22-3 -- American Convention of Human Rights 84 -- American revolution -- 17 -- 19 -- anti-foundationalism 7 -- Arat, Zeha -- 84 -- 96 -- Arrigo, L.G. 31 -- Arzú, Alvaro, President 84 -- Asian values -- 4 -- 31 -- 95-6 -- Augelli, Enrico & Craig Murphy -- 20 -- 49 -- Bacaram, Abdala 72 -- Bangkok conference 31 -- Barber, M. & R. Grainne -- 29.

46 -- Barkun, Michael -- 8 -- 50 -- Bateson, M.C. -- 41 -- 103 -- Beetham, David -- 80 -- 81 -- Beitz, Charles 68 -- Berting, Jan 68 -- Bhatnagar, Bhuvan 92 -- Blair, Tony, Prime Minister 30 -- Bosnia 26 -- Boutros-Ghali, Boutros [UN Sec. Gen.] 79 -- Boyle, K. -- 51 -- 96 -- British Petroleum [BP] 71 -- Buddhism 95 -- Bull, Hedley -- 44 -- 107 -- Burrell, Ian 76 -- Buzan, Barry 3 -- Caballero-Anthony, M. 96 -- Cafruny, A.W. 20 -- Camilleri, Joseph 66 -- Cargill 99 -- Carlin, John 67 -- Carothers, Thomas -- 66 -- 79 -- 86 -- 88 -- 90 -- Carr, H.E. 30 -- Carter, April 116 -- Cassese, Antonio 4 -- CEDAW -- 15 -- 75 -- 78 -- Chatterjee, P. & M. Finger -- 46 -- 71 -- Cheru, Fantu -- 87 -- 109 -- Chimni, B.S. -- 41 -- 47 -- 49 -- 51 -- 98 -- 111 -- China -- 103 -- 104 -- Chinkin, Christine -- 8 -- 32 -- Chomsky, Noam -- 20 -- 21 -- 25 -- 53 -- 62 -- 65 -- 66 -- 72 -- 87 -- 102 -- 105 -- Christian Aid -- 30 -- 59 -- 67 -- 73 -- 74 -- 76 -- 77 -- 98 -- 99 -- citizenship -- global, 4 -- global, 72 -- international, 12 -- civil society -- 2 -- 4 -- 12 -- 16 -- 104 -- 106 -- 109 -- 110 -- 111 -- 112-14 -- Clark, Ian -- 4 -- 80 -- 91 -- Clinton, Bill, President -- 69 -- Administration, 103 -- Cold War -- 9 -- 11 -- 14 -- 16 -- 25 -- 59 -- 60 -- 79 -- 86 -- post-Cold War, 12 -- post-Cold War, 14 -- post-Cold War, 26-34 -- post-Cold War, 83 -- post-Cold War, 101 -- Collins, Hugh -- 41 -- 114 -- common sense -- 38 -- 49 -- 51 -- 52 -- 53 -- 65 -- 69 -- 72 -- 92 -- Communist Party 22 -- Confederation of Mexican Workers [CMW] 75 -- Confucianism 95 -- Conley, M. & D. Livermore 58 -- consumerism 98 -- Coote, Belinda 100 -- Cox, Robert -- 1 -- 5 -- 27 -- 28 -- 41 -- 45 -- 49 -- 59 -- 89 -- 110 -- 116 -- Cranston, M. 63 -- Crow, Roger 76 -- Dalby, S. -- 44 -- 45 -- Daly, E. 32 -- Danilenko, Geunady 26 -- Davis, Michael C. 95 -- Davos 47.

Declaration on the Right to Development 91 -- Delfgaauw, Tom 75 -- democracy -- 29 -- 30 -- 72 -- 108 -- 109 -- 110 -- 117 -- and accountability, 80 -- and accountability, 97 -- and accountability, 99 -- and autonomy, 80 -- and autonomy, 115 -- and participation, 47 -- and participation, 97-8 -- and participation, 106 -- and representation, 97 -- Athenian, 84 -- Depression, The 20 -- development -- 46 -- 48 -- Dichter, Thomas 93 -- diplomacy 107 -- distanciation 48 -- Donnelly, Jack -- 3 -- 4 -- 27 -- 69 -- 85 -- Dumbarton Oaks Conversation -- 21 -- 112 -- Dunkel, Arther 71 -- Dutch auction -- 67 -- 68 -- 69 -- 105 -- East Asian 'miracle' 95 -- Eisenhower, Dwight D., President 24 -- emancipation -- 5 -- 18 -- Europe -- 20 -- 23 -- 24 -- European Union -- 64 -- 65 -- 82 -- 99 -- Evans, Tony -- 9 -- 10 -- 18 -- 20 -- 22 -- 25 -- 29 -- 33 -- 53 -- 54 -- 58 -- 59 -- 82 -- 104 -- 109 -- 112 -- 116 -- Evans, Tony & Jan Hancock -- 4 -- 7 -- 29 -- 111 -- Evans, Tony & Peter Wilson 43 -- Falk, Richard 21 -- fascism 20 -- fast-caste 99 -- Fatic, A. 32 -- Felice, William 85 -- Femia, Joseph 19 -- Flinchum, Robin 84 -- Ford [automobile company] 75 -- Fox, George H. & George Nolte 79 -- Frank, Thomas -- 88 -- 89 -- 90 -- Freeman, Michael -- 95 -- 96 -- French revolution -- 17 -- 19 -- Fukuyama, Francis -- 4 -- 16 -- Furet, François 113 -- Galtung, Johan -- 8 -- 31 -- 32 -- 48 -- 52 -- 60 -- 112 -- Ganesan, Arvid 72 -- GATT -- 71 -- Uruguay Round, 100 -- Uruguay Round, 105 -- Gearty, Connor 104 -- General Motors 67 -- Genocide Convention 15 -- George, Susan -- 47 -- 67 -- 71 -- 82 -- 97 -- 98 -- 99 -- 100 -- Giddens, Anthony -- 48 -- 61 -- Gill, Stephen -- 1 -- 29 -- 45 -- 46 -- 48 -- 59 -- 65 -- 85 -- 101 -- Gills, Barry 48 -- Gills, Barry, J. Rocamora & R. Wilson -- 29 -- 87 -- 88 -- 101 -- global society -- 7 -- 9 -- Global Trade Watch 104.

Goldman Sachs 71 -- governance 4 -- Gramsci, Antonio -- 7 -- 19 -- 38 -- 113 -- Grotius, Hugo 54 -- Group of Seven 27 -- Gulf War -- 26 -- 32 -- Haas, E.B. 46 -- Hansenne, Michael -- 58 -- 70 -- Held, David -- 29 -- 72 -- 79 -- 81 -- 83 -- 101 -- Held, David & Anthony McGrew -- 3 -- 28 -- 67 -- 82 -- 105 -- Henkin, Louis -- 34 -- 54 -- Herrmann, Pauline 74 -- Hertz, John 37 -- Hindess, Barry -- 18 -- 79 -- 101 -- Hirst, Paul & G. Thompson -- 45 -- 68 -- Hoffman, Mark -- 41 -- 49 -- 90 -- 116 -- Hoffman, S. 21 -- Holman, Frank E. 23 -- Hormats, Robert 83 -- human rights -- civil and political, 21 -- civil and political, 24 -- civil and political, 27 -- civil and political, 31 -- civil and political, 61 -- civil and political, 63 -- civil and political, 73 -- civil and political, 96 -- civil and political, 103-5 -- civil and political, 106 -- civil and political, 111 -- civil and political, 117 -- civil and political, 118 -- civil and political, 119 -- and free trade, 78 -- and power and hegemony, 9 -- and power and hegemony, 14-35 -- and power and hegemony, 36 -- and power and hegemony, 37 -- and power and hegemony, 39 -- and power and hegemony, 41 -- as 'civilizing', 57 -- collective, 23 -- economic, social and cultural, 1 -- economic, social and cultural, 22 -- economic, social and cultural, 23 -- economic, social and cultural, 24 -- economic, social and cultural, 27 -- economic, social and cultural, 28 -- economic, social and cultural, 61 -- economic, social and cultural, 63 -- economic, social and cultural, 73 -- economic, social and cultural, 81 -- economic, social and cultural, 84 -- economic, social and cultural, 87 -- economic, social and cultural, 96 -- economic, social and cultural, 98 -- economic, social and cultural, 103 -- economic, social and cultural, 104 -- economic, social and cultural, 111.

legal discourse 7-9 -- negative and positive, 62-5 -- negative and positive, 66 -- philosophical discourse 6-7 -- political discourse 9-10 -- structural violations, 31 -- Human Rights Watch -- 59 -- 74 -- 75 -- 83 -- 84 -- 88 -- human security 1 -- Humphrey, John 23 -- Hutchings, Kimberly -- 106 -- 109 -- 111 -- Huymans, Jef 48 -- Ikenberry, G.J. & C.A. Kupchan 19 -- inclusion and exclusion -- 4 -- 23 -- 45 -- individualism 102 -- Industrial Revolution 41 -- Inez Ainger, Katharine 109 -- interdependence -- 40 -- 85 -- International Chamber of Commerce 61 -- International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [ICCPR] -- 15 -- 33 -- 34 -- 63 -- 69 -- 74 -- 75 -- 84 -- 89 -- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights [ICESCR] -- 15 -- 34 -- 78 -- 89 -- 112 -- International Criminal Court -- 15 -- 32 -- 51 -- International Labour Organization [ILO] -- 43 -- 58 -- 68 -- 70 -- 77 -- international law -- 24 -- 25 -- 27 -- 32 -- 34 -- 36-56 -- 102 -- 110 -- 111 -- 114 -- and globalization, 45-50 -- and international society, 39-45 -- and realism, 37-9 -- International Monetary Fund -- 27 -- 48 -- international society -- 10 -- 36 -- 50 -- 53 -- and international law, 39-45 -- Jackson, Robert 37 -- Johansen, Robert C. 83 -- Johnston, B.R., & G. Button -- 31 -- 68 -- 74 -- Kaplan, M.A. & N.B. Katzenback 53 -- Kardizic, Radovan 32 -- Keeley, James -- 18 -- 115 -- Kennan, George 16 -- Keohane, Robert -- 18 -- 40 -- Khor, Martin -- 97 -- 99 -- Kirkpatrick, Jeanne 86 -- Kothari, M. 61 -- Kotheri, Smitu -- 93 -- 94 -- Krasner, Stephen 43 -- laissez-faire -- 20 -- 60 -- 114 -- 117 -- Lawyers Committee for Human Rights -- 29 -- 33 -- 34 -- 54 -- 58 -- Lee, E. -- Lee, E 58 -- Lee, E 68 -- LeQuesne, Caroline 71 -- less developed countries 25 -- Lewis, Michael 65 -- Linklater, Andrew -- 7 -- 41 -- 105 -- 106 -- 107 -- 108 -- 109.

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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