Butler's Saint for the Day. için kapak resmi
Butler's Saint for the Day.
Butler's Saint for the Day.
Burns, Paul.
Yazar Ek Girişi:
Basım Bilgisi:
1st ed.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
1 online resource (648 pages)
Contents -- Introduction -- January -- 1. St Odilo of Cluny -- 2. St Basil the Great -- 3. St Genevieve of Paris -- 4. St Elizabeth Ann Seton -- 5. St John Neumann -- 6. St Raphaela Mary Porras -- 7. St Raymund of Peñafort -- 8. St Wulsin -- 9. St Adrian of Canterbury -- 10. St Gregory of Nyssa -- 11. St Paulinus of Aquileia -- 12. St Margaret Bourgeoys -- 13. St Hilary of Poitiers -- 14. St Sava of Serbia -- 15. St Arnold Janssen -- 16. Bd Joseph Vaz -- 17. St Antony of Egypt -- 18. St Wulfstan -- 19. St Macarius the Elder -- 20. Bd Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi -- 21. St Agnes -- 22. St Vincent Pallotti -- 23. St Ildephonsus of Toledo -- 24. St Francis de Sales -- 25. St Paul -- 26. SS Timothy and Titus -- 27. St Angela Merici -- 28. St Thomas Aquinas -- 29. St Joseph Freinademetz -- 30. St Alban Roe -- 31. St John Bosco -- February -- 1. St Brigid of Kildare -- 2. St Théophane Vénard -- 3. St Blaise -- 4. St Gilbert of Sempringham -- 5. St Agatha -- 6. St Paul Miki and Companions -- 7. Bd Pius IX -- 8. St Josephine Bakhita -- 9. St Miguel Febres Cordero -- 10. St Scholastica -- 11. St Caedmon -- 12. St Benedict of Aniane -- 13. Bd Jordan of Saxony -- 14. St Valentine -- 15. St Claude La Colombière -- 16. SS Cyril and Methodius -- 17. The Martyrs of China -- 18. St Colman of Lindisfarne -- 19. Bd John of Fiesole (Fra Angelico) -- 20. St Peter Damian -- 21. St Robert Southwell -- 22. St Margaret of Cortona -- 23. St Polycarp -- 24. St Ethelbert of Kent -- 25. St Walburga -- 26. St Porphyry of Gaza -- 27. St Anne Line -- 28. (in leap years) BB Mark Barkworth and Roger Filcock -- 29. (28 in non-leap years) St Oswald of Worcester -- March -- 1. St David -- 2. St Chad -- 3. St Katharine Drexel -- 4. St Casimir -- 5. The Martyrs of Ukraine -- 6. St Agnes of Bohemia -- 7. SS Perpetua and Felicity -- 8. St John of God -- 9. St Frances of Rome.

10. St John Ogilvie -- 11. The Martyrs of Córdoba -- 12. Bd Aloysius Orione -- 13. Bd Agnellus of Pisa -- 14. St Matilda -- 15. St Louise de Marillac -- 16. St Clement Mary Hofbauer -- 17. St Patrick -- 18. St Cyril of Jerusalem -- 19. St Joseph -- 20. St Cuthbert -- 21. SS Joseph Bilczewski and Sigmund Gorazdowski -- 22. St Nicholas Owen -- 23. St Turibius of Mogrovejo -- 24. St Rebecca Ar-Rayes -- 25. St Margaret Clitherow -- 26. St Joseph Sebastian Pelczar -- 27. St Rupert -- 28. St Stephen Harding -- 29. St John Climacus -- 30. Bd Restituta Kafka -- 31. St Stephen of Mar Saba -- April -- 1. Bd Vilmos Apor -- 2. St Francis of Paola -- 3. St Aloysius Scrosoppi -- 4. St Isidore -- 5. St Vincent Ferrer -- 6. St Maria Crescentia Höss -- 7. St Jean Baptist De La Salle -- 8. St Julie Billiart -- 9. St Gemma Galgani -- 10. St Magdalen of Canossa -- 11. St Stanislaus of Kraków -- 12. St Joseph Moscati -- 13. St Martin I -- 14. Bd Lydwina of Schiedam -- 15. Bd Damien De Veuster -- 16. St Bernadette -- 17. Bd Kateri Tekakwitha -- 18. Bd Mary of the Incarnation (Barbe Acarie) -- 19. St Leo IX -- 20. Some English Martyrs -- 21. St Anselm -- 22. St Adalbert of Prague -- 23. St George -- 24. St Wilfrid -- 25. St Mark -- 26. Bd Mary of the Incarnation (Marie Guyart) -- 27. Bd Gianna Beretta Molla -- 28. St Peter Chanel -- 29. St Catherine of Siena -- 30. St Peter Betancurt -- May -- 1. St Pius V -- 2. St Athanasius -- 3. SS Philip and James -- 4. St Antoninus of Florence -- 5. St Hilary of Arles -- 6. Bd Francis of Quebec -- 7. St John of Beverley -- 8. Bd Mary-Teresa of Jesus Gerhardinger -- 9. St Pachomius -- 10. Bd lvan Merz -- 11. St John of Avila -- 12. St Epiphanius of Salamis -- 13. St Andrew Fournet -- 14. St Matthias -- 15. St Isidore the Farmer -- 16. St Brendan of Clonfert -- 17. St Paschal Baylon -- 18. St Peter Celestine -- 19. St Dunstan.

20. St Bernardino of Siena -- 21. St Godric of Finchale -- 22. St Gregory VII -- 23. St Mary Magdalen de'Pazzi -- 24. St Madeleine Sophie Barat -- 25. St Bede the Venerable -- 26. St Philip Neri -- 27. St Augustine of Canterbury -- 28. St Aldhelm -- 29. St Ursula Ledóchowska -- 30. St Joan of Arc -- 31. Bd Christopher Magallanes and Companions -- June -- 1. Bd John Baptist Scalabrini -- 2. The Martyrs of Lyons and Vienne -- 3. Bd John XXIII -- 4. St Charles Lwanga and Companions (Martyrs of Uganda) -- 5. St Boniface -- 6. St Marcellin Champagnat -- 7. Bd Baptista Varani -- 8. Bd Mariam Mankidiyan -- 9. St Columba of lona -- 10. St Ephraem -- 11. St Barnabas -- 12. Bd Ignatius Maloyan -- 13. St Antony of Padua -- 14. St Methodius of Constaninople -- 15. St Virus -- 16. St Germaine of Pibrac -- 17. St Juliana Falconieri -- 18. Bd Osanna of Mantua -- 19. St Romuald -- 20. The Martyrs of the Titus Oates "Plot" -- 21. St Aloysius Gonzaga -- 22. SS John Fisher and Thomas More -- 23. St Etheldreda -- 24. St Alban -- 25. St Paulinus of Nola -- 26. St Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer -- 27. St Cyril of Alexandria -- 28. St Irenaeus of Lyons -- 29. St Peter -- 30. Bd Raymund Lull -- July -- 1. St Oliver Plunkett -- 2. St Bernardino Realino -- 3. St Thomas -- 4. St Elizabeth of Portugal -- 5. St Antony Zaccariah -- 6. St Maria Goretti -- 7. St Willibald -- 8. Bd Eugene III -- 9. St Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions -- 10. SS Antony and Theodosius Pechersky -- 11. St Benedict -- 12. St Veronica -- 13. Bd James of Voragine -- 14. St Camillus of Lellis -- 15. St Bonaventure -- 16. Bd Anne Marie Javouhey -- 17. St Hedwig of Poland -- 18. St Leo IV -- 19. St Macrina the Younger -- 20. Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War -- 21. St Laurence of Brindisi -- 22. St Mary Magdalene -- 23. St Bridget of Sweden -- 24. BB Paul Peter Goydić and Vasil' Hopko.

25. St James the Greater -- 26. Bd Titus Brandsma -- 27. St Simeon Stylites -- 28. St Peter Poveda -- 29. SS Martha, Mary, and Lazarus -- 30. St Leopold Mandic -- 31. St Ignatius of Loyola -- August -- 1. St Alphonsus de'Liguori -- 2. Bd Maria Stella Mardosewicz and Companions -- 3. St Peter Julian Eymard -- 4. St John Vianney -- 5. St Ethelwold -- 6. St Sixtus II and Companions -- 7. St Cajetan -- 8. St Dominic -- 9. St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross -- 10. St Laurence -- 11. St Clare of Assisi -- 12. Bd Mary McKillop -- 13. St Radegund -- 14. St Maximilian Kolbe -- 15. St Mary, the Blessed Virgin -- 16. St Stephen of Hungary -- 17. St Joan of the Cross -- 18. St Helena -- 19. St Alberto Hurtado -- 20. St Bernard -- 21. St Pius X -- 22. Bd Thomas Percy -- 23. St Rose of Lima -- 24. St Bartholomew -- 25. St Louis of France -- 26. St Joseph Calasanz -- 27. St Monica -- 28. St Augustine -- 29. St John the Baptist -- 30. St Margaret Ward -- 31. St Aidan -- September -- 1. St Giles -- 2. Martyrs of the French Revolution -- 3. St Gregory the Great -- 4. St Hildegard of Bingen -- 5. Bd Teresa of Calcutta -- 6. Bd Maria Euthymia Üffing -- 7. Bd John Duckett and other English, Welsh, and Scottish Martyrs -- 8. Bd Frederick Ozanam -- 9. St Peter Claver -- 10. St Nicholas of Tolentino -- 11. St Ambrose Barlow -- 12. Bd Anton Schwartz -- 13. St John Chrysostom -- 14. St Peter of Tarentaise -- 15. St Catherine of Genoa -- 16. St Cyprian -- 17. St Robert Bellarmine -- 18. St Joseph of Copertino -- 19. St Januarius -- 20. The Martyrs of Korea -- 21. St Matthew -- 22. Bd Emily Tavernier -- 23. St Pius of Pietrelcina -- 24. St Theodore of Canterbury -- 25. St Sergius of Radonezh -- 26. SS Cosmas and Damian -- 27. St Vincent de Paul -- 28. St Wenceslas -- 29. St Lioba -- 30. St Jerome -- October -- 1. St Thérèse of Lisieux -- 2. St Francis Borgia.

3. Bd Francis Xavier Seelos -- 4. St Francis of Assisi -- 5. St Mary Faustina Kowalska -- 6. St Bruno -- 7. Bd Contardo Ferrini -- 8. St Pelagia the Penitent -- 9. St John Leonardi -- 10. St Daniel Comboni -- 11. St Philip the Deacon -- 12. St Lull -- 13. St Edward the Confessor -- 14. St Callistus I -- 15. St Teresa of Avila -- 16. St Margaret Mary Alacoque -- 17. St Ignatius of Antioch -- 18. St Luke -- 19. The Proto-Martyrs of North America -- 20. St Paul of the Cross -- 21. St Gerard Majella -- 22. St Philip Howard -- 23. St John of Capistrano -- 24. St Antony Mary Claret -- 25. The Forty Martyrs of England and Wales -- 26. St Cedd -- 27. Bd Louis Guanella -- 28. SS Simon and Jude -- 29. St Hilda of Whitby -- 30. St Winifred -- 31. St Alphonsus Rodríguez -- November -- 1. The Solemnity of All Saints -- 2. Commemoration of All Souls -- 3. St Martin de Porres -- 4. St Charles Borromeo -- 5. Bd Joan de Maillé -- 6. St llltyd -- 7. St Willibrord -- 8. Bd John Duns Scotus -- 9. Bd Elizabeth of the Trinity -- 10. St Leo the Great -- 11. St Martin of Tours -- 12. St Josaphat -- 13. The Martyrs of Bulgaria -- 14. St Laurence O'Toole -- 15. St Albert the Great -- 16. St Margaret of Scotland -- 17. St Elizabeth of Hungary -- 18. St Philippine Duchesne -- 19. St Hugh of Lincoln -- 20. St Edmund of Abingdon -- 21. Bd Mary Siedliska -- 22. St Cecilia -- 23. St Clement of Rome -- 24. St Columbanus -- 25. Bd Michael Pro -- 26. BB Louis and Mary Beltrame Quattrocchi -- 27. St Cuthbert Mayne and other English Martyrs -- 28. St Roque González and Companions -- 29. Bd James Alberione -- 30. St Andrew -- December -- 1. St Edmund Campion -- 2. Bd John Ruysbroeck -- 3. St Francis Xavier -- 4. St John Damascene -- 5. St Sabas -- 6. St Nicholas -- 7. St Ambrose -- 8. Bd Anuarite Nengapeta -- 9. St Juan Diego -- 10. The London Martyrs of 1591 and other English Martyrs.

11. St Damasus I.
This is a new edition of the one volume Butler. Drawn from the original twelve volume work known as Butler's Lives of the Saints, this new edition has  selected one principal saint as the focus of attention for each day of the calendar year. And now, for the first time, many saints have been included who were canonised during the Pontificate of Pope John Paul II. Â.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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