Diversions of Galway : Papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V. için kapak resmi
Diversions of Galway : Papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V.
Diversions of Galway : Papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V.
Ahlqvist, Anders.
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1 online resource (412 pages)
Studies in the History of the Language Sciences ; v.68

Studies in the History of the Language Sciences
DIVERSIONS OF GALWAY -- Editorial page -- Title page -- Copyright page -- Table of contents -- Foreword -- REFERENCES -- List of Participants -- Conference Committees -- Conference Programme -- Opening Address -- The Priscian Text Used in Three Ninth-Century Irish Donatos Commentaries -- REFERENCES -- Speculative Lexicography: Difficulties in Following the Historical Path of a Linguistic Idea -- REFERENCES -- Carolingian Grammarians and Theoretical Innovation -- REFERENCES -- 1. PRIMARY SOURCES -- 2. SECONDARY SOURCES -- On the Origins of the Medieval Concept of Transitivity -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. APOLLONIUS DYSCOLUS -- 2. PRISCIAN -- REFERENCES -- Jean Charles Thiebault (de) Laveaux: The Revolt of a Jacobin Grammarian and Lexicographer against the Académie Française -- 1. HIS LIFE AND WORK -- 2. LAVEAUX' IMPORTANCE AS A LEXICOGRAPHER AND CRITIC OF THE ACADÉMIE FRANÇAISE -- REFERENCES -- The First Grammar of Frisian (1681) -- SIZE AND SCOPE -- INTENDED AUDIENCE -- THE DATE OF THE LANGUAGE -- AUTHORSHIP -- REFERENCES -- Latinisme ou gallicisme ? Les méthodes translinguistiques latin - français au XVIIIe siècle -- 2. LES INTERLINEÁIRES -- 2.1. Principe -- 2.2. Schématisation des données -- 2.3. ANALYSE DES DONNEES -- 3. LA QUESTION DE LA LANGUE DE REFERENCE -- 3.1. Le traitement des deux langu -- 3.3. IDIOTISME, LATINISME, GALLICISME -- REFERENCES -- The Hibernian Connection: Irish Grammaticography in Louvain -- REFERENCES -- Harmonic Dictionaries and Grammars in Semitic Linguistics -- REFERENCES -- A Grammar without a Tradition? Fernando de la Carrera's Arte de la lengua yunga (1644) -- REFERENCES -- Étude historiographique des Manières de Langage -- 1. HISTOIRE DES IDEES LINGUISTIQUES, HISTOIRE DE LA LANGUE ET HISTOIRE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT DES LANGUES ETRANGERES -- 2. MANIÈRES DE LANGAGE, COLLOQUES, DIALOGUES.

3. MDL, VOCABULAIRES, RECUEILS DE LETTRES MODÈLES ET GRAMMAIRES -- 4. LE CORPUS: CRITÈRES DE SELECTION -- 5. LES CARACTERISTIQUES SECONDAIRES DES MDL -- 5.1 LE PUBLIC VISE PAR LES MDL -- 5.2 LA NATURE DE LA LANGUE PRESENTEE DANS LES MDL -- 6. CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- I. TEXTES -- II. ETUDES -- L'Ordre Naturel and Charles Batteux: à bas les philosophes -- REFERENCES -- Grammaire normative/grammaire descriptive dans la linguistique espagnole du XVTIe siècle -- REFERENCES -- How to "Improve" a Language: The Case of Eighteenth Century Descriptions of Greenlandic -- REFERENCES -- Lichtenberg on Language and Reason: One Aspect of the Crisis in German Enlightenment -- REFERENCES -- John Wallis' Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae (1653): The New Science and English Grammar -- REFERENCES -- Theory and Description in the Dutch Grammatical Tradition: The Case of the Passive -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. DATA FOR THE PASSIVE AND A COMPARISON WITH THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN DATA -- 3. THE DUTCH GRAMMATICAL TRADITION -- 4. BORROWING FROM THE LATIN GRAMMATICAL TRADITION: THE DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE VERB -- 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE PASSIVE DATA -- 6. CONCLUSIONS -- REFERENCES -- Animal Language: a Chapter from the Controversy between Rationalism and Sensualism -- I. INTRODUCTION -- II.THE CONTEXT OF THE MEIER-PUTT DEBATE -- II.1 The Epistemological Context -- II.2 The Linguistic Context -- III.THE MEIER-PUTT DEBATE -- III.1 Georg Friedrich Meier -- III.2 Johann Jakob Plitt -- IV. CONCLUSION -- REFERENCES -- The "Poznan Schoor" of Structural Linguistics -- SOUND CHANGE -- THE SURFACE : DEEP PROCESS -- THE PHONETIC : SUBSTITUTION PROCESS -- DISTINCTIVE MORPHOLOGY OR DlACRISIS -- REFERENCES -- Salomon Stricker's Motor Theory of Language -- REFERENCES -- Victor Henry et les lois phon(ét)iques -- REFERENCES.

The Role of Acoustics and Apperception in Franz Boas' Theory of Phonetics -- REFERENCES -- The Beginning and Development of Persian Syntactic Descriptions -- I. INTRODUCTION -- II.THE BEGINNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF PERSIAN TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR -- III. LINGUISTIC THEORIES AND PERSIAN GRAMMAR -- REFERENCES -- Thirty-Five Years of English Auxiliaries: A Small History of Generative Grammar -- REFERENCES -- Dutch Linguists and the Origin of Language: Some Nineteenth-Century Views -- 1. INTRODUCTION -- 2. WILLEM GERARD BRILL (1811-1896) -- 3. WILHELMUS WESSELS (1833-1900) -- 3. H. E. MOLTZER (1836-1895) -- 5. SOME FINAL REMARKS -- REFERENCES -- "Maschine" vs. "Organismus". Einige Überlegungen zur Geistes- und Sprachwissen-schaftsgeschichte im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert -- 1. BACK TO THE FUTURE - ODER: VOM 3:SYSTEMBEGRIFF ZURÜCK ZUM ORGANISMUS? -- 2. DAS MACHINA-MODELL UND SEINE IMPLIKATIONEN -- 3. DAS ORGANISMUSMODELL -- 4. UND NOCH EINMAL DIE FRAGE: VOM "ORGANISMUS" ÜBER DAS "SYSTEM" ZURÜCK ZUM "ORGANISMUS"? -- LITERATUR -- Zur Geschichtsschreibung der Sprechakttheorie: der Fall Reinach -- 1. METHODOLOGISCHE VORÜBERLEGUNGEN ZUM THEMA SPRECHHANDLUNGSTHEORIE -- 2. ZUR GESCHICHTSSCHREIBUNG DER SPRECHHANDLUNGSTHEORIE: REINACHS THEORIE DER SOZIALEN AKTE -- 2.1 Das Versprechen -- 2.2 Die Wesensmerkmale sozialer Akte -- 3. SCHLUßBEMERKUNGEN -- LITERATUR -- Linguistics vs. Philology in an 1864 Student Paper by Jan Baudouin de Courtenay -- REFERENCES -- Abstracts -- Forms of Discourse, Linguistics, Literary Theory, and History Writing -- Skinner and Chomsky Thirty Years Later -- B. H. Smart - a Nineteenth-Century Contribution to the Concept of Phrase-Structure Grammar -- Anton Marty - Seine Stellung in der Sprachphilosophie der 19. Jarhrhumderts -- Laudes Hispaniaeand the Renaissance Conception of Language.

Les Avatars de la grammaire dans le Cours de linguistique générale de Ferdinand de Saussure -- The Oldest British Treatise upon Linguistics: Leonard Cox's De erudienda iuventute -- Current Historiographical Research Projects in West Germany.The 'Bio-Bibliographical Handbook of... 18th Century' and Other Documentational Research Projects -- La gramática general (1847) de I. Nuñez de Arenas: un ejemplo de la influencia de J. Harris en España -- Le CNRS et le développement de la linguistique -- Jacques Teyssier et la notion de cas dans les langues germaniques -- Joachim Heinrich Campe Revisited: Some Corrections to the Stereotype of "German 18th-Century Purist" -- Le Profane et le religieux dans la genèse du comparatisme -- Paradigm Change and Paradigm Conflict in the Study of Contact Languages -- Attitudes to Language Change and Language History in Eighteenth-Century Scotland -- One Distinctive Feature of French Linguistic Thought: The Metaphorical Nature of Human Languages -- Gehirn und Sprache um die Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert: Franz Joseph und der 'sens du langage' -- The Predominance of the Presence. A Plea for a Particular View on the History of Linguistics -- Annotated Bibliography on German Theory of Orthography and Grammar from the 16th to the 18th Century -- Rudolf von Raumer(1815-1876) and the Development of Sound Physiology -- Nabataean and North Arabian Writing Systems: History and New Approaches -- The Subconscious and Social in Saussure -- Reason, Usage and Development of Historical Linguistics in the 16th Century -- On the Stoic Origin of the Grammatical Notion 'ABSOLUTIO' -- L'Argument linguistique dans la Methodus de Jean Bodin (1566) -- The Laurels of Linguistic Scholarship: The Prix Volney and its Contestants -- Roots and Implications of Cognitive Semantics -- The Componential Semantics of Ramón Llull.

The Study of the Paradigmatic Dimension of Language: An Attempt at Reconstruction -- Metalanguage in a Medieval Bilingual Dictionary -- The Early History of Romani Linguistics (1760 to 1799). Paulinus a Sancto Bartholomaeo and the Indian Origin of the Gypsy Language and People -- Schematism and Meaning -- Linguistic Dynamics: Expressivity and Semantic Change in Heinz Werner's Psychology of Language -- Sur la Formation de quelques catégories de la grammaire ancienne -- Hobbes's Influence on the Leibnizian Project of a Universal Language -- Some Features of Comenius' Conception of Language -- Aristotle's Thoughts on Language - an Outgrowth of an "Intellectual Climate" -- Reconnaissance et occultation à l'université : le cas de Georges Gougenheim -- Grammatica Illyrica, an 18th Century English Grammar from Bavaria -- The Invisible Hand in the History of Language -- Karl Ferdinand Becker on When - and What Sort of - Grammar is Needful -- William Séwel and Thomas Dyche as Teachers of English -- Au revers de l'Histoire de la linguistique : la cryptographie -- Latin Declensions and Conjugations: From Varro to Priscian -- Showing the Fly the Way Out of the Fly-Bottle (Or, why Theorists who Ignore the History of Linguistic Ideas do so at their Peril) -- Structuralism in the Early Works of Saussure -- Arab and Western Approaches to Syntax: The Conditional Clause -- General Linguistics in Poland between 1918 and 1939 -- Index Linguaram -- Index Nominum -- Index Rerum.
This volume contains a selection of papers from the Fifth International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences, dealing with subjects ranging from the classical period till the 20th century.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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