From the Local to the Global : Key Issues in Development Studies. için kapak resmi
From the Local to the Global : Key Issues in Development Studies.
From the Local to the Global : Key Issues in Development Studies.
McCann, Gerard.
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1 online resource (269 pages)
Contents -- Introduction: Whither Development in the Age of Globalisation? -- 1. Measuring Development -- 2. The Colonial Legacy and the European Response -- 3. Towards the Globalisation of Justice: An International Criminal Court -- 4. Women and Development: Examining Gender Issues in Developing Countries -- 5. Perspectives on Aid: Benefits, Deficits and Strategies -- 6. Is Trade an Agent of Development? -- 7. Building a Global Security Environment -- 8. Debt: Cancellation by Instalments -- 9. Child Poverty and Development -- 10. Education as an Agent of Social Change -- 11. Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Racism -- 12. The Environmental Costs of Development -- 13. Globalisation and Development: Charting the Future -- Contributors -- Index -- Abrugre,Charles 101 -- Afghanistan -- 68-9 -- 126 -- 163 -- 188 -- refugees 129 -- refugees 201 -- refugees 202 -- refugees 207-8 -- refugees 209 -- refugees 213 -- Africa -- 44 -- 56 -- 83 -- 103 -- 201 -- Africa,Caribbean and Pacific [ACP] -- 46 -- 47 -- 48 -- 49 -- 50-1 -- 55-6 -- Agenda -- 21 219 -- 220 -- 227 -- Agreement on Agriculture [AOA] 226-7 -- Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures [TRIMs] 226 -- aid -- 95-107 -- and asylum/immigration policies 18-19 -- and asylum/immigration policies 206 -- and corruption 42 -- and debt 4-5 -- and good governance 95 -- and good governance 96 -- and good governance 100-2 -- and policycoherence 99-100 -- and trade 50 -- and trade 51 -- conditionalities 105 -- conditionalities 127 -- conditionalities 221 -- distribution 53-4 -- effectiveness 95-8 -- emergency 103-4 -- in conflict situations 104-5 -- in conflict situations 131 -- aid to -- 100 -- and HIV/AIDS 15 -- education 165 -- Amann,D.M. 68 -- American Service Members Protection Act [ASPA] -- American Service Members Protection Act [ASPA] 7.

American Service Members Protection Act [ASPA] 68 -- American Service Members Protection Act [ASPA] 69 -- Amnesty International -- 64-5 -- 67-8 -- 135 -- 201 -- 205 -- Anderson,Mary -- 104-5 -- 106 -- Annan,Kofi -- 132-3 -- 225 -- Anti-Ballistic Missile [ABM]Treaty 69 -- anti-globalisation movement -- 17 -- 148 -- 182 -- 193 -- 244 -- Arat,Z.F. 83 -- Argentina -- 87 -- 143 -- 144 -- 242 -- arms trade -- 126-35 -- 188 -- control 130-1 -- control 133 -- control 134 -- control 135 -- Article [98] Agreements 67-8 -- asylum seekers -- 18-19 -- 42 -- 199-214 -- and anti-terrorism legislation 213 -- and racism 210-13 -- and welfare systems 211 -- and welfare systems 212 -- detention of 206-7 -- detention of 208 -- detention of 210 -- detention of 211 -- detention of 214 -- dispersal 211-12 -- illegal entrants 206-7 -- illegal entrants 208 -- illegal entrants 213 -- protection of 202-5 -- Western response to 205-10 -- Australia -- 207 -- 211 -- Beck,Ulrich 238 -- Belgium 98 -- Beneria,Lourdes 81 -- Benn,Tony 107 -- Bhopal disaster 229 -- Bilderberg conferences 238 -- bin Laden,Osama 69 -- biodiversity -- 15 -- 219 -- 225 -- 229 -- Blair,Tony -- 14 -- 19 -- Bolivia -- 143 -- 151 -- Boserup,Ester -- 79-80 -- 81 -- Bosnia-Herzegovina -- 131 -- 200 -- Boulding,Elise 80 -- Brady Plan [1989] -- Brady Plan [ 4 -- Brady Plan [ 149 -- Brazil -- 26-7 -- 83 -- 143 -- 144 -- Bretherton,Charlotte -- 47 -- 50 -- Bretton Woods Institutions 3-5 -- Brundtland Report -- 27 -- 191 -- 218 -- Brydon,Lynne 88 -- Buitenen,Paul van 53 -- Bush,G.W. -- Bush,G.W 15 -- Bush,G.W 65-6 -- Bush,G.W 67-9 -- Bush,G.W 71 -- Bush,G.W 129 -- Bush,G.W 224 -- Cambodia -- 59 -- 125 -- Canada -- 6 -- 98 -- 130 -- 135 -- 204 -- Castells,Manuel -- 236 -- 243 -- Centrepoint 172 -- Chambers,Robert 37-8 -- Chant,Sylvia 88 -- Cheney,Dick 224 -- children.

and armed conflict 163-4 -- and poverty 158-74 -- child labour 164 -- child labour 165-7 -- child labour 173 -- child labour 236 -- education 165 -- education 167-8 -- gender discrimination 167-8 -- infant mortality 161-2 -- infant mortality 163 -- infant mortality 167 -- participation 166-7 -- participation 171-4 -- rights of 168-71 -- Chile -- 59 -- 83 -- 88 -- 89 -- 143 -- China -- 64 -- 127 -- 129 -- 130 -- Chiu,S. 120 -- Christian Aid -- 18 -- 181 -- 185 -- civil society -- 3 -- 13 -- and aid 98 -- and aid 101 -- and aid 103 -- and aid 106 -- and debt relief 153 -- and development education 185 -- and development education 189 -- and development education 194 -- and state 96 -- and state 102 -- climate change -- 15 -- 16 -- 219 -- 225 -- 230 -- Clinton,Bill -- 65 -- 69 -- Cologne Debt Deal -- 152 -- 153-5 -- colonialism -- 79 -- 118 -- 119 -- 184 -- 201 -- Common Agricultural Policy [CAP] 48 -- Common Commercial Policy [CCP] 43 -- Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide -- 61 -- 71 -- Cotonou Agreement -- 55 -- 56 -- Cresson,Édith 53 -- crimes against humanity -- 62 -- 63 -- 64 -- 65 -- 68 -- 70 -- 72 -- Crowley,Ethel 84 -- Crush,J. 37 -- Czech Republic 130 -- Côte d 'Ivoire 147 -- Daschle,Thomas 69 -- Davide,Hilario G. 70 -- Davies,Lynn 178-9 -- debt crisis -- 4-5 -- 49 -- 51 -- 83 -- 141-55 -- 227 -- managers of 144-6 -- debt morality of -- 151-2 -- sustainability 141-2 -- sustainability 150 -- sustainability 151 -- sustainability 153 -- debt relief -- 13 -- 100 -- 143-4 -- 150-3 -- 162 -- and aid inflows 100 -- and poverty reduction 148-9 -- and poverty reduction 153-4 -- definition of -- 179-81 -- and environment issues 192 -- and reflective action 182-3 -- evaluation 191 -- practice of 184-6 -- practice of 189-90 -- theory of 181-2 -- definitions of -- 14 -- 26-8 -- 33.

deforestation -- 147 -- 218 -- 219 -- 221 -- 225 -- 236 -- democracy -- 52 -- 237 -- 240 -- 244 -- Democratic Yemen 83 -- Department for International Development [DFID] -- Department for International Development [DFID] 104 -- Department for International Development [DFID] 186-7 -- Department for International Development [DFID] 188 -- dependency theory 77-8 -- developed countries asylum procedures -- 205-10 -- and development education 185 -- and eco-protection 218 -- and eco-protection 219-20 -- and eco-protection 229 -- and poverty 10 -- and poverty 160-2 -- child labour 166 -- developing countries colonial legacy -- 41-56 -- and debt 4-5 -- and debt 49 -- and debt 51 -- and debt 83 -- and debt 141-55 -- and debt 227 -- gender issues 76 -- gender issues 80 -- gender issues 82-6 -- gender issues 87-8 -- market access 100 -- representation in WTO negotiations 5-6 -- trade justice 13 -- development corporate-driven 225-8 -- development education -- 178-94 -- and cultural synthesis 183-4 -- Development Education Centres [DECs] -- Development Education Centres [DECs] 6 -- Development Education Centres [DECs] 186-7 -- Development Education Centres [DECs] 189 -- disarmament -- 130 -- 131 -- 132-5 -- discourse -- 35-7 -- and economic growth 26 -- and economic growth 28 -- and economic growth 225 -- and industrialisation 1 -- and industrialisation 12 -- and industrialisation 119-20 -- and social action 105-7 -- and structural transformation 26-7 -- environmental cost of 217-31 -- measuring 25-38 -- modernisation theory 77 -- modernisation theory 79 -- modernisation theory 142 -- paths of 118-22 -- world systems theory 78 -- world systems theory 117 -- world systems theory 118 -- Dominican Republic 143 -- Drop the Debt Campaign -- 4 -- 106 -- Eade,Deborah -- 105-6 -- 107 -- Earth Summit,Rio de Janeiro -- 14.

16 -- 192 -- 217 -- 219-21 -- 227 -- East Timor -- 59 -- 209 -- Eastern Europe arms trade -- 129-30 -- collapse of 2 -- collapse of 49 -- refugees from 200-1 -- refugees from 212 -- Ecuador -- 83 -- 143 -- 144 -- 151 -- education -- 32-3 -- 165 -- 167-8 -- as agent of social change 178-94 -- spending on 146-7 -- spending on 159 -- spending on 160 -- spending on 162 -- women 79 -- women 82 -- education for sustainable development [ESD] 3 -- El Salvador -- 67 -- 68-71 -- 143 11 September 2001 60 -- 213 -- 239 -- Elson,Diane 85 -- Enabling Effective Support [EES] 188-9 -- Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility [ESAF]programmes Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility [ESAF] -- programmes 147 -- programmes 148 -- programmes 149 -- programmes 152 -- environmental issues -- 15 -- 16 -- 27 -- 30-1 -- 192 -- 217-31 -- and business interests 16-17 -- and business interests 217-18 -- and business interests 220 -- and business interests 221 -- and business interests 223-4 -- and free trade 227 -- and poverty reduction 224 -- and poverty reduction 230 -- Escobar,A. 37 -- Esteva,Gustavo 12 -- EU-Africa Civil Society Forum 102 -- European Commission [EC] -- European Commission [EC] 52-3 -- European Commission [EC] 54 -- European Community [EC] 7 -- European Convention on Human Rights 213 -- European Development Fund [EDF] -- 43-4 -- 51 -- 52 -- 54 -- 55-6 -- European Union [EU] -- 48 -- and ICC debate 67 -- and ICC debate 68 -- and ICC debate 71 -- asylum/immigration policies 18-19 -- asylum/immigration policies 42 -- asylum/immigration policies 51 -- asylum/immigration policies 199 -- asylum/immigration policies 204 -- asylum/immigration policies 206-8 -- asylum/immigration policies 237-8 -- development aid 42-4 -- development aid 48 -- development aid 50 -- development aid 51-2 -- development aid 54-6.

development education 194.
Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Michigan : ProQuest Ebook Central, 2017. Available via World Wide Web. Access may be limited to ProQuest Ebook Central affiliated libraries.
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